The Effect of Take and Give Method on the Students' Writing Skill at the Third Level of lnstitut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Bugih Pamekasan
Muhlas, 2016. The Effect of Take and Give Method on the Students' Writing Skill at the Third Level of lnstitut Prima Bhakti (!PB) Bugih Pamekasan. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program of Tarbiyah Department. Advisor: Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd
Key words: Take and Give Method Writing
Writing is difficult skill in English language, since in writing the students have to produce and arrange their ideas so that they can overcome their difficulties in writing. lnstitut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan is one of English courses in Pamekasan in which the students have problems in writing. The students are still difficult when they will start writing something because they are used to speaking not to write something. Moreover, there are many types of paragraphs that have to be studied by the students such as descriptive, narrative, recount, expository and so on. Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Pamekasan actua1Jy focus on speaking so that it make the students difficult in writing, it is very difficult because they have to express their ideas into words and how to construct sentences grammatically until become a good paragraph; furthermore, the students are required to app\y their knowledge of grammar, generic structure, vocabulary and punctuation. As a result, writing also becomes boring and difficult for them since the students have to use correct grammar, appropriate vocabulary, punctuation, capitalization and so on. So that the English teacher used take and give method to overcome their difficulties.
This research is focused on two problems which are the main discussion of this research l). Does the students of lnstitut Prima Bhakti (lPB) Pamekasan who have been taught by using take and give method have higher achievement in writing? 2). What is the significance effect of take and give method on the students' writing skill at the third level of Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) Bugib Pamekasan.
In this research the researcher take place at Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB)
Bugih Pamekasan, the approach of this research is quantitative the data are gotten by pre-test, post-test, and documentation than those data are analyzed with experimental design formula than aJJ of data gotten are checked the
validity of the data.
Based on the result chapter IV •it can be know that the effect of take
and give on the students' writing skill at lnstl\ut Prima Bhakt\ (IPB) Pamekasan has significance role. It can be known from the result of score "t" counting which higher that "t" experimental either significance standard 0,995 or significance standard 0,99. The result of "t,, counting is 3,982 while 't" experimental with db. 14 in significance standard 0,995 = 2,98 while in
significance standard 0,99 = 2,62
The significance effect of take and give on the students' writing skill at Institut Prima Bhakti (IPB) is high it can be known that "t" work (3,982) and the t table in 0,995 = (2,98). So that based on that statistical data the students who has been taught by using take and give have better skill in
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