Nuril Jamila, 2016, The English Speaking Environment of English Department at STAJ N Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesjs, Tarbjyah Department, EngJjsh Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Hasan Basri, M.Pd.
Key Words: Speaking and Language Environment
Speaking is basic of communication and interaction to each other. The ability to speak well is very complex task. It need to practice vocabulary of students because practicing to communicate in the classroom or out classroom they need self confidence.
Language environment is everything that can be heard and seen that influences the process of language communication. It can make the students speak to their friends because language environment influences the process of language. When the students hear and see their friends speak English, they imitate speak English too and make communication with their friends.
There are three problems in this study, the first, what kinds of the English speaking environment of English department at STAIN Pamekasan, the second, how do the lecturer and students of English department involve of the English speaking environment at STAIN Pamekasan , and the third , how can English speaking environment at STAIN Pamekasan help the students of English department to speak English.
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative as the approach of the research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the students and the lecturer at STAIN Pamekasan. In collecting the data, the researcher uses some procedures those are observation, interview, and documentation. Then the researcher analyzes the data by reduction, display, and verification . Additionally, for getting the validity of data, the researcher uses sources triangulation . Besides this activities also helps the students to speak in speaking English environment.
The result of this research found that kinds of English environment there are two types, as follow: formal environment and informal environment. Formal environment can make the students active to speak in the class in all of subject, while informal environment the students also active when they speak because they used the environment at STAIN Pamekasan to more practice their speaking such as, Bilingual Area, Mosque, par and canteen. However, lectures and students always used English speaking environment. Beside that, the English speaking environment can help the students are more comfortable, do not feel forced when they practice to speak English, and also they are motivated and feel confident when they speak.
Based on the result ·of research above, the English speaking environment is very good to the students use these erivironinent to practice, develop, motivated the student to speak English more.
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