Yanti Susanti.2016. A Comparative Study between Male and Female Students in English Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade at SMK Al-Mujtama' Plakpak Pegantenan Pamekasan, Thesis, Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, the State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Afifah Raihany, M.Pd.
Keywords: Male Students, Female Shldents, English Speaking Skill
In learning process depends on some factors such as self confidence, motivation, learning activities, memory, emotion, age, and sex. In this case the research will focus on sex factor. The factor of sex differences can not be ignored in learning language, because it can affect students' achievement and proficiency in learning. It is clear that the students grouped into two different sexes, male and female. The problem of study in this research is male students is better than female students in English speaking skill at the eleventh grade of SMK Al-Mujtama', and the objective of this study to find out whether female students is better than male students in English speaking skill at the eleventh grade of SMK Al-Mujtama' Plakpak Pegantenan Pamekasan.
The theory of Robert Ellis states on her book that female is considerably better than male in language, Because female has good brain in language, usually female likes reading book and learning than playing, although female learns a little earlier than male to talk, to use sentences, and to use a greater variety of words. Female also speaks more clearly, reads earlier and consistently better than male in the test of spelling and grammar, moreover both of them are different in learning. While male has good brain in analysis something, logical subject and also a good way of thinking in accounting number such a math material.
The researcher used quantitative research namely causal comparative study. The population of this research is 47 students at the eleventh grade of SMK. al Mujtama'. and cluster sampling was applied in this research that consist of 47 students at the eleventh class from both group namely 25 male students and 22 female students. Instruments which is used in this research are test and documentation. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula.
The result of this research showed that female is better than male students in English speaking skill, whereas the total score showed that the score of female students is higher than male students in English speaking skill. T-test consultation showed data analyses t-value of 2.45 that is significant higher than t-table on level
5% that is 2.02 in degree of freedom 45. It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
Based on the result aboe that femal stude isĀ·bettr than male students in
English speaking skill at th eleventh grade of SMK Al-Mujtama' Plakpak Pegantenan Pamekasan. It has been proven by knowing the mean score of female
students is higher than the means score of male students.
It is suggested the students need to improve their English speaking skill in studying English, therefore it is better for students to use good learning sources that suitable for selecting their learning strategy and style, so that it can be make the students easier in mastering English speaking skill.
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