he Implementation of Chinese Whispers Game on Teaching Speaking at The Tenth Grade Students of SMA Plus Al Kautsar Pamekasan
Hanifatul Jannah, 2016, The Implementation of Chinese Whispers Game on Teaching Speaking at The Tenth Grade Students of SMA Plus Al Kautsar Pamekasan . Undergraduate, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd.
Keywords:Teaching Speaking, Chinese Whispers Game.
Speaking is a major skill in English subject because as general we can know some students can get the point of English subject when they can speak English well. But most of students' speaking ability is not really good. So, chinese whispers game is one of teaching media that can be applied to increase the students' speaking ability. Based on the background, so in this research tries to arise the problem about the implementation of chinese whispers game on teaching speaking at the tenth grade students of SMA Plus Al-Kautsar Pamekasan.
This research is focused on two problems which become main discussion in this research, the first , how is the implementation of chinese whispers game on teaching speaking at the tenth grade students of SMA Plus Al-Kautsar Pame and the second, how the students' responses on the implementation of chinese whispers game in teaching speaking.
In this research, researcher conducted qualitative research while the kind of research is descriptive, the data are gotten by interview, abservatian and documentation, then those data are analyzed with analysis qualitative descriptive. All of the data gotten are checked the validity of the data by the persistence of observation, triangulation.
The result of this research found that implementation of chinese whispers game on teaching ·speaking at the tenth grade students of SMA Plus Al-Kautsar Pamekasan was success. It can be known when the students can make expression of congratulation based on the statement/situation, and they can whisper or say the message correctly. And it is proved with the positive students' responses that showed the students were very interested to the teaching learning process. Chinese whispers game makes the students active and enthusiastic in teaching learning process, confidence to speak up; and they not afraid again to make a mistake inpronounce English.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher in order to use some game on teaching speaking especially chinese whispers game as the alternative to improve the students speaking skill and the teacher should pay attention and also create effective in teaching learning Process. And it is suggested for the students to always practice their speaking with their friends, memorize many vocabularies, don't afraid to speak up and make a mistake
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