Moh.Hasan ,2017, The Effect of Twu Stay l°H10 Stray Teaching Model on Students Grammar ability at Eighth Grade in J\1TsN. Sumber Bungur Pamekasan.Undergraduate,Thesis,English Teachi ng Progra m (TBJ) The State of Islamic Collage (STAIN) Pa meka san.Advisor: Mulyadi, SS, M.Pd.
Key words: Two Stay Two Stray Teaching Model, Grammar Ability.
Grammar is one of the basic ability which must betaught to junior high schoolJ student. however,many student's have d i fficult ies in grammar.students cannot arrange a sentaoce well because the student s dislike in learning grammar that cause they are feel bored and uninteresting i n l earning grammar tberefore,tbe teacher should have alternative ways to teach gram mar. one way by using two stay two stray teaching model. so tliat, the st udentshave better grammar ability.this research has apurpose to find out the answer from the statement of the problem.
The purpose of this research is to find out whether the students taught by using two stay two stray teaching model have bett er gram mar ability than who do not at eighth grade at MTsN.Sumber Bun gur Pamekasan. And the second is to know how significance diffren nce between students who taught by using two stay two stray teaching model than who do n ot at eighth grade at MTsN.Surnber Bungur Pamekasan on their gram mar abil ity.
This research design is th e expreimental research which namely trne experimental research and the inst rument research used pre-test and post test .the
popula sion is the eighth grade students of MTsN .Sumber BLmgur Pamekasan in tbe academic years 20 16/20 1 7. And the sample of this research is PDCI2 and MTK class which is vey importan t step i n cond ucting a research .tJ1e data were taken
from multiple choice test. After the student s gave the pretest,they were given the treatment for two meeting.then, the data were analyzed by using t -test method to find out whether or not there is any significant di fference between the ability of student's grammarin simple past tense at eighth grade at MTsN.Sumber Bungur Pamekasan in the academ ic years 20 16/2017 befor and after bein g taught by using two stay t\;vo stray teaching model .
The resu lt of th is research, the reseacher u ed df 5 1 . because df 51 there is not in t- table. so, the reseacher uses df 60 that closed with df 5 l . Df 60 t-value is l1igher than t-tabl e either in 95%( 1,67) or 99%(2,39)< 7,347 from the resuJt above, it can concluded that Ha (Alternative hypothesis)is accepted and the HO(Null hypothesis) is rejected. So, the hypothesis states that there is any significance eect of using two stay two stray teaching model on studen t 's grammar ability at eighth grade at MTsN.Sumber Bungur Pamekasan . So the significant is fa:r=7,347.
The reseacher hopes this study can be used by the teacher as one way to enrich the refrence about improving the students grammar ability at eighth grade and also as consideration for the teacher to choose two stay two stray teaching model as alternative model to help and make stud ents more interesting and enjoyfull in teaching learn in g process expecially in teaching gram mar.
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