Uslifatul Awaliyah, 2017, Increasing Student's Speaking Skill Using End With a Bang Strategy At The Eighth Grade of MTs Miftahul Anwar Pamoroh Kadur Pamekasan, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M. Pd
Key words :And With a Bang Strategy, Increasing Student 's Speaking Skill
The student's speaking skill at the second grade of Mts Miftahul Anwar Pamoroh Kadur Pamekasan is not good. It can be proved by their score that most of the can not past the standardize "70" and also their speaking in daily conversation in the class. Because of that the researcher was interested to do a research about the use of End With a Bang strategy in Increasing the student's speaking skill at the eighth grade of MTs Miftahul Anwar Pamoroh Kadur Pamekasan.
The purpose of this research is to describe the mechanism of "End With A Bang" strategy to increase the student's speaking skill in the eight grade of MTs Miftahul Anwar. This research use Class Room Action Research (CAR) and use qualitative as analyze the data The variable is the student's speaking skill and the use of End With a Bang strategy in increasing student's speaking skill at the eighth grade of MTs Miftahul Anwar. The data source was taken from the students during the teaching learning process. This research was done on two cycles.
After doing the analysis, the researcher found that the student's speaking skill before using the End With a Bang strategy is bad. Most of the students can not pass the standardize. After the use of End With a Bang strategy on cycle I, the student's who can pass the standardize still 64%, it had not on the indicator of success. So the researcher continued to the second cycle and in the second cycle, the researcher changed the mechanism of using End With a Bang Strategy. And the result is the student's speaking skill increase. The students who pass the standardize is 80%. It pass the indicator of success. So the researcher did not to continue to the next cycle.
Based on the result of the study which had been done by the researcher, it can be conclude that the mechanism of End With a Bang strategy in cycle 2 can increase the student's speaking skill at the eighth grade of MTs Miftahul Anwar Pamoroh Kadur Pamekasan. The mechanism are:I.Opening, 2.Simple greeting,
3.Check the attendance list, 4.Asking the previous material in last meeting, 5.Giving stimulation, 6.Explain the material interactively, ?.Translated the expressions together, 8.The students making a pair, 9.The researcher gave dialog,
10.The researcher read the dialog and drilling the students, 11.The students memorize the dialog, 12.he students practice dialog in front of class without a text, 13.Check the student's comprehension, 14.The researcher used End with a bang strategy by called the students, then asked the students to come forward and practice a simple dialog. The researcher asked the students to repeat in many times when they practiced with a soft voice until they practiced with strong voice, 15.Giving feedback, 16.Giving motivation, 17.Closing.
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