Conversation at the Second Semester Students of TBI STAlN Pamekasan, Thesis, English Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic Collage CST AlN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd.
KeyWords: Listening, Perception Error
Listening is an important thing for everyone as a student in increasing the student' pronounciation and in understandi.ng about some words that we listen. So that, the student not misunderstanding in percepting the word. Because, there are many students tbat misuderstanding in percepting some words speciaUy when they were listening conversation in the listening class. Based on the phenomena the researcher interested to conduct research of students in the listening class speciaUy in the C and D listening class second semester ofTBI Pamekasan.
Based on the case above, it can be appointed two research problems of this study in which they are : what are the perception errors of the words faced by students at thesecond semester of TBI STAIN on listening to conversation and what are the factors influencing the students at the second semester ofTBI ST AfN Pamekasan commit the error.The purpose of this research are to describe the perception errors faced by students and to know the factors influencing the students at the second semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan commit the error. The researcher uses qualitative approach. This research collects the descriptive data, in the form of report and description. Data source of this research are the collage students an.d English lecturer in listening class at the second semester of ST AlN Pamekasan. The researcher can get the data through observation, interview and documentati on.
The result of tins research are :The researcher found four types of error made by the student. For the first error is omission error. It includes of omission of verb, omission of auxiliary, omission of letters, omission of noun phrase, and omission of adjective. The second enol' is addition enol'. Next, misinformation and the last is anticipation enol'. From the observation, misinformation is tile kind of the greatest error made by the student, and the kind of the most little error that students made is anticipation error. The researcher also divided that there are some factors that make tile students commit the error they are: Trouble with sounds, Can not understand fast natural native speech, have to understand every words and need to hear things more than once.
Based on the result of research above researcber recommends that the students should listen English song to force their self in catching the word even that is slow or fast English song, Dying to memorize some vocabularies, keep concentration, and try to ask the lecturer the word that can not understand by the students. The lecturer should be recognize tile student' learning style.
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