Haefa 2017, The Personality Analysis of Po in Kung fu Panda 3 Movie Based on Carl Gustav Jug Perspective. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teachinng Learning Program (TBl), The State of Islamic college (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Abd.Ghofur,M.Pd.
Keyword: Literature, Personality, and Perspective Carl Gustav lung
Personality is bahavior or attitude of someone to adapted with enviroment, learn about attitude that must be show in front of someone, it can be learn in around us or can learn by means of show like watching televition or watching movie in bioskop. In there can get lear about attitude, moral value containned in a movie. This research is very important to be research in order to understand yourself and to introspect in every action, how people behave, how attitude in speaking.
Based on the case it can be appointed one research problem of this study, that is How the personality of Po reflected in Kung fu Panda 3 movie based on Carl Gustav lung perspective, and the purpose this research to describe and analyze personality on Po based on Carl Gustav lung perspective.
The reserach, in this research use qualitative research. The kind of this research use descriptive research, because researcher will be describe data in form of the word, which is obtained from Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. Researcher conducted data collecting, watching movie observe and listen carefully then identify data contained personality then analyze the data in detail about psikology on Carl Gustav lung perspetive.
After collecting data researcher analyzing data by using Miles & Huberman model of the data analyze. 1. data reduce only focus to data will be discussed, selected, reduce unsuitable data 2. data display orginize and process data that has been obtained 3. data verification researcher conclude the data taken before, and answer research focus.
The result of analyzing data, There is psychology in Kung Fu Panda 3 movi, psychology analitik based on Carl Gustav lung. Researcher found councious there is in self of Po when teaching Kung Fu to Forious Five, when Po meet with the biological father Po feel confused between adopted father and biological father that illustrated Personal unconcious. collective unconcious in this movie illustrated in self of Po when Po tell about master Kung Fu came with the dramatic pose. This is finding data on reseacher.
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