Novita Suspriyatin, 2017, The Use of Animation Video In Teaching Writing Narrative Texts at Eighth Grade of Junior High School 1 Larangan. Undergraduate, Thesis,Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAJN) Pamekasan .
Advisor: Hj. KristantiAyuanita, M.Pd
Keywords: Animation Video, Writing Narrative Texts
In the process of formal teaching of four basic language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) in school, writing tends to be considered as the most important skill to master. Writing is important and paradoxically, we can only improve our spoken language by writing. Therefore, writing can help people to show or to express the ideas and opinion about something.
There are three research focuses that were discussed in this study. The first is how does the teacher used the animation videos in teaching writing narrative texts in the eighth grade at Junior High School I Larangan? The second is what are difficulties does the teacher have in using animation videos in teaching writi ng narrative text in the eighth grade at Junior Hight School I Larangan? And the last research focus is what are the advantages in using animation videos in teaching writing narrative texts in the eighth grade at Junior High School I Larangan?
The researcher uses qualitative approach in research design and kind of research of this study is descriptive research. The subject of this study is eighth grade students of Junior High School I Larangan. which consists of 30 students. The researcher uses tree steps to collect the data such as: observation, interview, and documentation, Observation is used to observe using animation videos in teaching writing narrative text in the eighth grade. Interview is used to get information from the teacher and students about using animation videos in teaching writing narrative text. Documentation is used of this study after the researcher gets the data from interview and observation. In this research the researcher will obtain all of the data and summary the interview have been being collected in the eighth grade at Junior High School 1 Larangan.
The result of this research showed when the teacher used animation videos in teaching writing narrative texts consist of two meeting, the first meeting the topic is about narrative text, the second meeting continuing the first meeting. When the teacher used the animation videos the teacher faced the difficulties like to manage the time, the students still lack of vocabulary, difficult to decide or chosen the video that suitable with material. And also the researcher found the advantages of using animation videos in teaching writing narrative texts like, the students more has motivation to study, more interest to learn, help the students understand the material. Based on the result above, in this research the researcher suggest that the teacher have to should emphasis the student to active and feel confidence in front of the class.
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