Feni Susanti, 2016, The Problems of Learning Speaking Skill by Using Bilingualism (English and Arabic) Faced by the Members of Freshwomen al APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) Pamekasan, Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAfN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Umar Bukhory, M. Ag.
Key Words: Speaking Skill, Bilingualism (English and Arabic)
Speaking skill is about how the speakers speak fluently, pronou nce well, and comprehend the grammar or structure. Speaking is a difficult skil l to be mastered. Bi lingualism means the use of two languages or two language codes. Bilingual is someone who can speak t\vo languages. Bilinguality is the competence of using two languages in communication . In this case, the members of APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) are obligated to speak English and Arabic in their daily comm unication. The members get some problems in speaking two languages (English and Arabic).
There are four focuses in this research ; the process of how the members of fresh women at APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) Pamekasan speaking bili ngual (English and Arabic) in learning speaking ski ll, the problem s of speaking bilingual (English and Arabic) in learning speaking skill faced by the mem bers of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) Pamekasan, the strength of Bilingual ism (English and Arabic) in learning speaking skill for the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) Pamekasan, and the weaknesses of Bi lingualism (English and Arabic) in learning speaking skill for the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) Pamekasan.
The objectives of this research are to describe the process of how the m embers of fresh women at APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) Pamekasan speaking bilingual (English and Arabic) in learning speaki ng skill, to investigate the probl ems of speaking bi lingual (English and Arabic) i n learning speaking skill faced by the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) Pamekasan , to know the strength of Bilingualism (English and Arabic) i n learning speaking skill for the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) Pamekasan, and to know the weaknesses of Bilingualism (English and Arabic) in learning speaking skill for the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative as an approach of this research and descriptive as kind of the research. The researcher uses three i nstruments in collecting the data; Observation, interview, and documentation. For analyzing the data, the researcher uses data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification . Then, the researcher uses triangulation of data source and data collection technique in checking the valid ity of data.
The result of this research found by the researcher is that the mem bers of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khadijah) get some problems i n speaking bilingual (English and Arabic) in their daily communication such as lack ing of vocabulary and do not know how to put the words in a sentence (influenced by degree or ability level of speakers), although they have been supported by many programs established by the founder such as English and Arabic Intensive class and Muhadharah in a formal situation, memorizing vocabulary and accustom ing of speaking English and Arabic in a natural situation. But, by obligating the mem bers of APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) speak English and Arabic, they have a broader knowledge of language. The strength of bilingualism is on the members' bravery to speak. The mem bers socially skill is better. The mem bers feel confident although they get the problems to speak. Jn another hand, the members also have weaknesses in speaking bili ngual (English and Arabic) exactly on Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax level.
Based on the result of this research, Bilingualism (English and Arabic) should support the members of freshwomen at APK (Asrama Puteri Khad ijah) to increase speaking skill. But, it still needs a strategy to solve the members ' difficulties. The supervisor should pay attention more to the rule of speaking bilingual (English and Arabic).
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