Toyyibah, 2016, "Lecturer's Strategies in Teaching Writing at the Fourth Semester Students of TBI STAlN Pamekasan", Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor : Hj. S. Sumihatul Ummah MS, M.Pd.
Keyword: Teaching Strategy, writing.
To achleve educational purpose need a strategy not aside with STAIN Pamekasn, in teaching learning activities the lecturers use strategies, one of them is a lecturer who teaches Writing subject, Teaching strategy is a plan, method or series of activities designed to achleve a particular educational goal. Writing is a skill whlch must be practiced , it can practice by expressing the feeling to be writing.
There are three research focuses in thls research : the first, what are strategies used by lecturer in teachlng writing at the fourth semester students of TBI STAIN Pamekasan, the second, How are the strategies applied by lecturer in teaching writing at the fourth semester students of TBI STAIN Pamekasan. The last, what are the advantages of the use of these strategies used by the lecturer in teachlng writing at the fourth semester students of TBI STAIN Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses the qualitative approach and the kind of research is descriptive research. In this case, the researcher collects the data from the interview, observation, and documentation . Informants or the subject of this research are a lecturer who teaches writing subject at the forth semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan, and the students at the fourth semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan, and the object of research is the strategies used by lecturer in teaching writing.
The result of this study showed that the lecturer used two strategies in teaching writing at the fourth semester, those are: guided writing strategy, and peer editing strategy. The lecturer implements these strategies in teaching writing at the fourth semester by using three steps: pre-teaching, whilst teaching, and post-teaching. The advantages of guided writing strategy found are: it can helped the students that had low ability in writing, helped the lecturer to solve the students' problem in writing, the lecturer and the students knew the mistakes and the correct one, the tu nts wr
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