N urfiyanti Kumia, 2016, The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning of English Subject for Young Leamer at RA. Miftahul-ulum Batang-batang Sumenep for B class. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Program (TBI). The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Dr.H. Moh. Muchlis Solichin, M.Ag
Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, English Subject, Young Leamer.
The meaning of English as a subject is to educate on the English language in general and to aid in the understanding and employment of the language. To teach English subject to Young learner need strategy or method to make the students easy to understand. Contextual Teaching and Leaming is one of strategy that suitable to use when teaching English subject. Contextual teaching and Learning is a teaching learning process that has a purpose to make the students comprehend the material meaningful which relate with real life. It is like environment, religion, social, Economy and Culture.
There are two research focuses in this research. The first, how is the implementation of CTL in the classroom of RA Miftahu l Ulum Batang batang Sumenep for B class. The second, what are the advantages and disadvantages of CTL at RA Miftahul Ulum Batang-batang Sumenep for B class.
The objectives of this research are, To know the implementation of CTL in the classroom of RA Miftahul Ulum Batang-batang Sumenep for B class.To know the advantages and disadvantages of CTL for students at RA Miftahul Ulum Batang-batang Sumenep for B class.
The researcher uses qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative. ln this research, the researcher did interviewing, observing, and documentation in gathering data. The informers are from some teachers of RA. Miftahul ulum Batang-batang Sumenep in B class. The data analyzed was used Imam Gunawan's theory, such as: data reduction , data display, and conclution drawing/ verification. Then, in checking the valid ity of data the researcher uses triangu lation.
The result of this research was found by the researcher that in conducting Contextual teaching and learning .strateg)I ther,!! are.two points of students resu lt, they are advantages and disadvantages in using Contextual teaching and learning in classroom activities. I fact, the students enjoy the lesson when the teacher apply contextual teaching and learning because the teacher bring them to daily life, and use some tools that have been around the students.
Based on the result of this research, contextual teaching and learning good enough to apply for young learner, the teacher just need to develop the way to teach the students in order to the students do not easy to bored.
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