Iftitahatul Mubarokah, 2017, The Effect of Mute Video on Students Writing skill at Tenth Grade of MA Darul Falah Temoran Omben Sampang, Thesis, English Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor : Hj. S. Sumihatul Ummah Ms, M.Pd.
Key word : Writing, Media, Mute Video
The students at MA Darul Falah Temoran Omben had difficulty in learning English, especially in learning writing subject. They could not to write well, they also had difficult to express their idea into written form. Those situation happened because many factors are, such as the students had lack vocabulary, the students had lack grammar, the students unconfident to explore their idea into written form, the other factor is the teacher method were monotonous, so the students had boredom in writing class and they had low interest and motivation to learn English.
Based on the statement above there are two research problems in this study. The first is whether students taught by using mute video have higher achievement than before being taught by using mute video in writing skill at tenth grade of MA Darul Falah Temoran Omben. The second is how statistically significant difference between students who taught by using mute video than before being taught by using mute video in writing skill at the tenth grade of MA Darul Falah Temoran Omben.
This study uses quantitative research which is designed pre-experimintal because in this study only uses one single group which the data are analyzed by using statistical procedure. The instruments which are used in conducting this research are test and documentation. Test is used to measured the students writing skill by using mute video, and documentation is used to collect the data and to support and complete the data of those variables, such as to get lesson plan, the name list of students, the students score, photo and etc. This study uses quantitative approach and uses Pre-experimental design.
The result of this research is there is significantly difference between students who taught by using mute video than before being taught by using mute video in writing skill, it happened because the t-value is higher than t-table in significance alpha 5%. The score of t-tvalue in this research is 4.373 and the score of t-table is 2.07 in level significant 5% with degree freedom 22. ( 4.373 > 2.07).
From these result, it is suggested to the English teacher to use an appropriate media in teaching English. Inthis case the researcher uses mute video as a technique and it have a positive effect to the students writing skill. It is also expected for further researcher to continue this research on other skills such as reading and speaking at other level of students for the improvement of English teaching.
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