Maria Ulfa Apriliana, 2016, The Implementation of Book Picture on Vocabulary Mastery for Student ar Pfaygroup Nuruf Jadid Tanj'ung Pademawu Pamekasan, undergraduate thesis, English Teaching Leaming Program, Tarbiyah Department:, Advisor, Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M. Pd.
Key Words; Book Pictu re, Vocabulary
Vocabulary is an important thing for the students, because it can help them to commurricate betwccrr orre per:rorr ro tmatlter. Through buhtry, they can express their mind freely. They can communicate with other people, and with
vocabulary people can making a dialogue or conversation in many places such as
mthe scnoo\. Therefore, the teacher imp\cmcn\s mcdla to Tntcd and motlva\e
students in teaching vocabulary. Book picture Media is implemented on teaching Vocabulary at B class for playgroup Nurul Jadid Tanjung Pademawu.
There are three research problems in mis srudy. The first is how the teacher
implement of Book Picture on Vocabulary Mastery for Student at Playgroup Nurul Jadid Tanjung Pademawu, the second is what the advantages of book p"tcture and the n1m ·1s 'Mlat the 111sadvantages of Book p"tcture.
ln this researc the researcher uses qualitative as the approach of the research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the English teacher of B class and the studenrs of this class. Cn colCecting the data, the researcher uses some procedures those are observation, interview, and documentation. And to analyzed the data, the researcher using four steps namely idenfifying the data, classifying the data, analyz·mg the data and conclusion drawing.Validhy of the data the researcher used triangulation technique.
The result of research shows book picture is implemented for teaching vocabufary in the cfass for two meetings. The teacher impfemented the media weff by joining some procedures based on the lesson plan that the English teacher had and the procedures of the media. Besides this media some advantages namely, it helps the students easy in memorize the word after the implement this media, it motivates students to express what they want to say in their mind, it interested students to learn vocabulary easily, it help students to be more comfort and faster to learn vocabulary in the class, and helps the teacher easier to explain the material. In other hand, this media provides disadvantages such as the book picture is easy to broken and the students are still influenced their mother tongue so they are difficult to pronounce the words correctly.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to be selective in implementing the media and to have a good preparation in order it can run well. It is also suggest for the students to always practice the vocabulary and they should motivate themselves in teaching vocabulary so that they can reach the goal.
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