Zaitunorrohmah 2017, The Analysis of Capitalization Error on Students’
Writing English Business Letter on Business Correspondence Class at
STAIN Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning
Program (TBI), The State of Islamic collage (STAIN) Pamekasan.
Advisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah,M.Pd.
Keyword: Capitalization, Error, English Business Letter
Speaking, reading, and writing are ways to apply a language in our
lives. Among them, language is very important to use because to speak
something, to read something and to write something, we need a language.
To do communication, sometimes we needn’t produce a sound, we can do
communication with written form. In writing something, we must pay
attention to our writing, in order not to occur writing error. Error is
deviation of something because ignorance or uncorrectness of doing
something like speaking, writing, etc. One of the errors in writing is using
capitalization. Capitalization is using big alphabet in a word, sentence in a
letter, article and another writing. If errors occur in our writing, it can
make other people have negative idea about us. Because of this thing, in
this study the researcher concerned with analyzing capital error.
There are problems statement in this study. The problems are: 1)
What are the capital errors on writing English business letter on business
correspondence class at STAIN Pamekasan? 2) What aspect of
capitalization error that occur on students’ writing English business letter
on business correspondence class at STAIN Pamekasan?. The purposes of
this research are: 1) To know the capitalization error on students’ writing
English business letter in business correspondence class at STAIN
Pamekasan. 2) To describe capitalization error on writing English business
letter in business correspondence class at STAIN Pamekasan
This research used qualitative research. The kind of this research
used content analysis, because researcher analyzed the capitalization error
in English business letter. Researcher conducted data collection by taken
the tasks of English business letter that written by students in C and D
class of business correspondence class, then analyze the data in detail
about capitalization error by using Michael Swan and Alice Oshima, Ann
Hogue theory.
The result of analyzing data, all of students C and D class of
business correspondence did errors in using capitalization, it is not in
every word but in some words of sentences in some parts of business
letters. in C class there are 193 capital errors that were done by students in
all of English business letters that researcher analyzed. In D class there are
187 capital errors that were done by students in all of English business
letters that researcher analyzed.v
Based on the result above, it is suggested for readers to know when
we should use capitalization, in order that they can have a good writing.
And then it is suggested for students who want to write a composition,
let’s study more about using capitalization to avoid some errors in using
capital. The last sugestion is for another researcher about capitalization
error in different research context and research design.
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