An analysis of Homonym and Polysemy in Surah Al Waqiah
translation’s by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Under graduate, English Teaching Learning Program
(TBI), The State Of Islamic College (STAIN). Advisor: H. Umar Bukhory M. Ag
Keyword: Holy Qur’an, Al- Waqiah, Semantics, Homonym, Polysemy.
There are two reasons that make the writer interest to analyze Alqur’an exegesis
mainly in Surah Al- Waqiah. At first, the writer interest to analyze homonym and polysemy
in Alqur’an exegesis especially Surah Al- Waqiah because its Surah is the favourite’ surah of
the writer. The second is by choosing Surah Al- Waqiah which has ninety six verse, the
writer is sure, he will find quite lot of homonym and polysemy.
The problems of the study are: What form of homonym are found in surah AlWaqiah translations translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Second, What form of polysemy are
found in surah Al-Waqiah translations translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. While the objective
of the study is: first, to identify form of homonym found in surah Al-Waqiah translations
translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Second, to identify form of polysemy found in surah AlWaqiah translations translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
The approach of this study is qualitative approach and use content analysis as kind
of the research while the writer applied on this study descriptive research by using this the
writer describes the data in the form of words. The data is taken from Alqur’an exegesis
mainly in Surah Al- Waqiah. The instrument of this study uses documentation, the writer has
searched, collected and read the data that contain homonym and polysemy in Surah AlWaqiah translation’s by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
The result of this study are some finding that contain homonym and polysemy in
Surah Al- Waqiah translation’s by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
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