English Instructional Design at The Eleventh Grad of Language Class Of MA Al-Amien 1 Pragaan Sumenep
Kamilia Shabah, 2016, English Instructional Design at the Eleventh Grade of Language Class of MA. Al-Amien 1 Pragaan Sumenep, Advisor: Drs. Moh. Mashur Abadi, M.Phil.I
Key Terms: Instructional Design, Language Class
Instructional desiwi is a process which planned to decide what the best methods which will be given to the students in teaching and learning
process toward the better change on students' skill and knowledge. Its goal is to achieve the best solution to solve the problem by utilizing a. number of information. Al-Amien boarding school has new department
namely language language class. in which the instructional design is different from other Class, langiiage class is more rocusoo ori tbe
langauge material itself. Nowdays, english is very important for people. It is needed. Especially forjob world in the future.
This research has four research focus namely What is the English Instructional Design at MA Al-Amien I Pragaan Sumenep, How is the preparation of the teacher in the English Instructional Design at the eleventh grade of language class of MA Al-Amien I Pragaan Sumenep, What are the teacher's obstacles in the English Instructional Design at the eleventh grade of language class of MA Al-A.mien I Pragaan Sumenep, How are the students' responses in the English Instructional Design at the eleventh grade of language class of MA Al-A.mien 1 Pragaan Swnenep
The research objective s of this study are to explain and describe what and how the English Instructional Design is at MA Al-Amien 1 Pragaan Sumenep, To know the preparation of the teacher in the English Instructional Design. at the Eleventh Grade of Langili\ge Class of MA Al Amien 1 Pragaan Sum.enep, To describe what the obstacles of the teacher are in the English Instructional Design at The Eleventh Grade of Language Class of MA AI-Amien I Pragaan Sumenep, To know how the responses of the students in the English Instructional Design at The Eleventh Grade of Language Class of MA Al-Amien I Pragaan Sumenep
This research used qualitative approach because the researcher will describe English Instructional Design At the eleventh Grade of language class of MA Al-A.mien 1 Pragaan Sumenep by using the words not the form of number. M?reover, the data collection procedures are interview, observation and documen1atiol\. . ·; • ..
The result of the rech shws• tane class designs to the speaking and listening aspect. It occured because communication of english is needed for the future life especially for the students. Beside
that, the smdents of langUage class obligated to smy at the ooatditig
school because there are programes should be joined by them out of the classroom activities. The teacher designs some components of instrctional design, these are Leaming Objective, Classroom Technique Material used, Teacher's Roles, Media used, Evaluation Model.
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