Mawardi, 2016, Teaher’s Strategy in Teaching English Speaking Skill at
Advance level of MA Nurul Ulum Teja Barat Pamekasan. Undergraduate,
Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI) of Tarbiyah Department, The
State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Afifah Raihany, M.Pd.
Keywords: Teacher’s Strategy, Speaking
Mastering speaking is one of goals in studying English. If the students
able to speak English well, it means the students success in studying
speaking.Teacher is one of the factors in order that the students can reach the
goals of learning. By mastering some strategies, method and technique the
teacher are able to use some appropriate strategies in teaching speaking.
Therefore, in this research, the researcher conducts a research about Teacher’s
strategy in teaching English speaking skill at advance level of MA Nurul Ulum
Teja Barat Pamekasan.
From the phenomenon above, the researcher wants to know how the
process of teaching English speaking skill at advance level of MA Nurul Ulum
Teja Barat Pamekasan and what strategy used by the teacher in teaching
English speaking skill at advance level of MA Nurul Ulum Teja Barat
In this case, the researcher used descriptive qualitative. The researcher
got the data from the interview, observation and documentation. The number of
students at advance level of MA Nurul Ulum Teja Barat Pamekasan is twenty
five students. The data analysis that the researcher used are data reduction, data
display and Conclusion drawing/ verification. To check the data validity, the
researcher used triangulation of source, triangualation of place and
triangulation of time.
The result of this research showed the teacher used three strategies in
teaching English speaking skill at advance level. those are: debate, answerquestion, and discussion strategy. When the teacher implements those
strategies in teaching speaking, the students are interested in learning. The
students’ responses are positive. It appears when the students stated that those
strategies that the teacher used can help them to be brave and more confidence
to speak up in front of class.
Finally, the researcher made conclusion about those atrategies used by
teacher in teaching English speaking skill at advance level. The students migh
not to get some diffulties in using those strategies, the students are enjoyable
and feel fun with those strategies. The researcher also suggess to the english
teacher to choose new strategy in teaching learning. For the students, the
researcher suggess to improve their ability and for the further researcher, the
researcher hopes this study can continue with different object by using
different reserach design
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