Angraini, 2016, Proverbs Analysis in note Books by Using Conceptual
and Associative Meaning in Semantic. Undergraduate, Thesis, English
Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College
(STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor, Hj Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd
Key term: Proverb, Conceptual, Associative
When researcher reads some books sometimes there are some
sentence that can give researcher spirit, especially for students. Students
are important to get spirit in studying, sometimes student get spirit from
the teacher, their parents or other thing. There are many media that can
help student to get spirit such book, because sometimes in some books
there are some sentences that can give student spirit such as proverbs. As
researcher know proverb is easy to find, such as in internet, banner
beside of street, books and other place. The place is easier to find proverb
in note book, in note book there are many proverb that can be read there,
the word is so beautiful and also interesting to read, but the meaning of
proverb itself still abstract and also the relation between meaning and
grammar is not valid. So here researcher will analyses proverbs in note
book by using conceptual and associative meaning in semantic, and also
using syntax analyses to know the proverbs in meaning and grammar.
There are three research problem in this research. The first one is
what are proverbs found in note book, the second one is what is the real
meaning of proverb in note book by using conceptual and associative
meaning in semantic, the last one is what kind of proverb in meaning and
grammar. This research to find out what are proverb that express in note
book, and to finf out the real meaning of proverb by using conceptual and
associative meaning in semantic, and also to find out kind of proverb in
meaning and grammar.
In this research use qualitative research approach and kind of this
research content analyses, in this research researcher as instrument and
data collector, this research analyses proverb in note book, so the setting
of this research in note book, there are two data source of this research,
the first subject research, the second is object research, the subject
research is note book and the object research is proverbs. This research
using documentation and researcher as instrument of this research. The
data analyses of this research are collecting the data, analyzing the data,
the last drawing and conclusion the data.The validity of this research
using extension of time contribution of researcher, perseverance
observation and triangulation.
The result of this research is there are ten proverbs in note book,
those are you’ll never know till you have tired, experience is the best
teacher, practice makes perfect, never put offtill tomorrow what you can
do today, Knowledge is the pillar of life, A good book is a good friend,
Smile is the shortest distance between two people, Words cut more than
swords, Learning is the treasure that will follow its owner everywhere ,
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr, and
the real meaning of the first proverb You’ll never know till you have
tired, This proverb has meaning someone or people have no opportunity
anymore or no time at all to know about everything in the word until he
or she want to try, work hard and study hard. The second proverb
experience is the best teacher has meaning everything or knowlegment
about life that ever feel or do by people or person is the excellent lesson
or thing that give excellent lesson to person or people about how life or
everything about life, the third proverb is practice makes perfect has
meaning always try to do something or activity to improve skill to
produce or create something to be excellent or completely without faults,
the fourth proverb is never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
has meaning don’t ever to delay activity until specific time that whatever
be able to do by someone in this time, and so on. In meaning and
grammar all of proverbs in note book include to meaning full because
researcher was analyses by using conceptual and associative meaning, in
grammar, all of proverbs in note book is grammatical because in the
sentence include noun phrase, auxiliary, verb phrase and, complement.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the reader, the result of
this research is not only reading, but also how it can add knowledge
about analytical proverbs by using theoretical in semantic, it is suggested
for the future researcher, For other researcher in the future, here
researcher hope to the other researcher in the future can develop this
research by using other theoretical, it can still in semantic or can add by
theoretical in other subject
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