Trisnawati, 2017, The Effectiveness of Semantic Mapping on Students’
Listening Achievement at The Eight Grade of MTs Miftahul Qulub
Polagan, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah
Department, The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor:
Hj. S. Sumihatul Ummah MS, M.Pd.
Key words : Listening Achievement, Semantic Mapping.
Listening is one skill in language learning that is very important. It
is one of the ways to get an appropriate information in communication to
prevent misunderstanding between speaker and listener. In achieving
needs creative media or strategies to help students achieve listening easily.
In this research, the researcher wants to know the effectiveness of
semantic mappingon students’ listening achievement at the eight grade of
MTs Miftahul Qulub Polagan.
There are two problem of the study in this research. The first, do
the students who are taught by semantic mapping have higher listening
achievement than the students who are taught by non semantic mapping
strategy at the eight grade of MTs Miftahul Qulub Polagan. The second , is
there any statistically significnt effectiveness of the students who are
taught by semantic mapping strategy than the students who are not. So, in
this research, the researcher wants to know the effectiveness of using
semantic mapping based on the problems of the study.
In this research, the researcher uses quantitative approach because
the researcher present the effectiveness of semantic mapping on students’
listening achievement at the eight grade of MTs Miftahul Qulub Polagan.
And kind of research that is used in this research is numerical form
because data that are collected analyzed mathematically and statistically
based on the score of students in MTs Miftahul Qulub Polagan.
Furthermore, the researcher uses two data collection procedure: namely
pretest and posttest and documentation.
The result of this research shows that students who were taught by
using semantic mapping have higher listening achievement than those who
were not. Since the mean score of experimental group is 75.20 and control
group is 64.16. and there is any statistically significant effectiveness
between students who were taught by using semantic mapping and those
were not taught on listening achievement. Since the result of t- value is
higher than t table in two significant level 5%/ 0.95 and 1 %/ 0.99 ( 1.679
< 3.307 >2.410). but the researcher just focus on significant 5% only.
Based on the result of this research, it can take two conclussion.
The first, students who were taught by using semantic mapping have
higher listening acvhievement than those who were not. And the second
there is any significant statistically effectiveness between students who
were taught by using semantic mapping and those who were not on
listening achievement
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