Triana Indah Sari, 2017. The Effect of Clapping Vocab Game Toward Students’
English Vocabulary Achievement at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Tlanakan,
Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College
(STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd.
Key Words: Clapping Vocab Game, Students’ English Vocabulary Achievement
Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides
much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. Having
much of vocabulary is important in studying English. The reason is the
achievement of vocabulary can make the students easier in conveying the ideas
and communicate well. One of way to make the students interest or full of fun in
learning vocabulary is using game, one of game that is suitable to teach
vocabulary sets namely Clapping Vocab game.
Based on the statement above, the researcher feels interested to conduct a
research. A problem in this research is do the students taught English by using
Clapping Vocab Game at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tlanakan have better
English vocabulary achievement than those taught not using Clapping Vocab
Game. While the objectives of this research to know whether the students taught
English using Clapping Vocab Game at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tlanakan
have better English vocabulary achievement than those taught not using Clapping
Vocab Game. In this research, the researcher uses alternative hypothesis that the
students at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tlanakan taught by using clapping vocab
game have better on vocabulary achievement.
This study uses quasi-experimental design or Non-equivalent control
group desing with quantitative approach. There are two variables in this study,
they are clapping vocab game as independent variable and vocabulary
achievement as dependent variable The population of this research is the seventh
grade of SMPN 1 Tlanakan and the total number of population is 165 students.
Then the researcher takes two classes as sample of this study. While the reserach
instruments which are used is test and documentation.
Then, the data obtained will be analyzed by using t-test formula. After
analyzing the data, the result showed that the alternative hypothesis of this
research is rejected. It means that the null hypothesis is accepted. It can be proven
by the result of t-value (to) is lower than t-table in the degree of freedom 64 since
in significant level 5% which is 2,00 (1,61 < 2,00) and in significant level 1% is
2,66 (1,61 < 2,6).
The result of this research is important for the teacher to know the
students’ abilities and students’ achievement. The researcher hopes that the
teacher is able to help the students in improving English especially vocabulary as
one of the basis in English. And for students, it is suggested to read more and
exersice more about vocabulary, so they can improve themselves in
comprehending English. For further researcher, the result of this research is able
to be used as references if they want to conduct the research next time
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