Hasanatul Mukarromah, 2016, The Implementation ofDirect Instruction Model on
Students’ Speaking Skill at the Seventh Grade of SMP Al-Falah Kadur
Pamekasan.Undergradued Thesis,Tarbiyah Department,English Teaching
Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan.
Advisor: Afifah Raihany M. Pd.
KeyWord: Direct instruction Model, Speaking Skill.
Speaking is a process of exchanges information about something and
occur by someone or others.Speaking can deliver or express feeling and
opinions. Teaching English does not easy such as teachs Indonesian language
because this language is a foreign language. so that as a teacher to make the
students can master the language they have to choose an approach or model
of teaching that can help them to teach their students. But the teacher have to
choose what kind of the models of teaching that suitable with their students
ability, because sometimes most of teachers choose the model without seeing
their students ability. So that, the students still do not understand about the
material explained by the teacher.Direct instruction model is a model that
focuss on teacher and has five steps like establishing set, demonstration guide,
guide practice feedback and extended practice.
The focuses of this study are how is the implementation of direct
instruction model that used by teacher on students’ speaking skill at the
Seventh Grade of SMP Al-Falah Kadur Pamekasan.How is the students’
responses of direct instruction Model on students’ Speaking Skill at the
Seventh Grade of SMP Al-Falah Kadur Pamekasan. While the objective of the
first focus is to know how the implementation of direct instruction model on
Students’ Speaking Skill at the Seventh Grade of SMP AL-FALAH Kadur
Pamekasan and the second one is to investigate the students’ responses of using
direct instruction model on students’ Speaking skill at the seventh Grade of
SMP Al-Falah Kadur Pamekasan.
This research is done to know the implementation of direct instruction
model on student’s speaking skill and to know how the responses appear from
the students. This research use descriptive qualitative design. The researcher
uses three ways to get data: interview, observation and documentation.While
the subject of this study is the students in sevent grade of SMP Al-Falah Kadur
The result of this research showed when the teacher implements the Direct
instruction model in teaching speaking consists of five steps,the first are
establishset, the second demonstration guide, the third gives guide practice, the
fourth provides feedback, and the last gives extended practice.There are many
response appear from the students. The responses are happy, interested,
enjoyed, more confidence to speak up, active and easier to get the material.
In this study, the researcher suggests that the teacher have to should
emphasize the students to be active and feel confidence in front of the class. In
this case, the teacher should give more opportunity to the students to express
their idea and the teacher should make English become communication
language in the teaching learning process.
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