Munir, Misbahol, 2016. The Implementation of Discovery Learning in Outdoor
Activity in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text for Seventh Grade of MTs
Ash-Shohibiyah at Palesanggar Pegantenan Pamekasan. Thesis, English
Teaching Learning Program of Tarbiyah Department. Advisor: Drs. Moh.
Mashur Abadi, M.Fil.I
Key words: Discovery Learning, Out Door Activity, and Writing
An English learner at least has to master kinds of the language skills.
They are speaking skill, listening skill, writing skill and reading skill. We have
to balance our language skill abilities in order to make our learning easier. If
we can manage them well, the students have to maintain them too. English as
a foreign language is considered difficult by many students moreover writing
skills. It really needs creative efforts from the English teachers to conduct the
process of teaching learning in writing
This research is focused on three problems which are the main
discussion of this research 1). How does the English teacher implement
discovery learning in out door activity in teaching writing descriptive Text for
seventh grade of MTs Ash-Shohibiyah at Palesanggar Pegantenan
Pamekasan? 2). What are the English teacher’s difficulties in implementing
discovery learning in outdoor activity in teaching writing descriptive Text for
seventh grade of MTs Ash-Shohibiyah at Palesanggar Pegantenan
Pamekasan? 3). What is the students’ response in the implementation of
Discovery Learning in Out Door Activity in Teaching Descriptive Text for
seventh grade of MTs Ash-Shohibiyah at Palesanggar Pegantenan Pamekasan.
In this research the researcher take place at MTs Ash-Shohibiyah at
Palesanggar Pegantenan Pamekasan, the approach of this research is
qualitative the data are gotten by observation, interview, and documentation
than those data are analyzed with analysis descriptive qualitative.
Then the research finding shows based on the result observation and
interview showed The way the teacher in teaching discovery learning in MTs
Ash-Shohibiyah at Palesanggar Pegantenan Pamekasan is the first step is the
ennglish teacher conducting apperception where the English teacher try to
communicate and build the students knowledge and the second the English
teacher explain the concept of knowledge in this case the English teacher
teach descriptive text as clear as possible to the students, after that the English
teacher order the students to go out to find something out of class, the students
try to find something and the English teacher asked the students to describe
what they found around the school to be descriptive text. After that the
English teacher evaluate the students discovery either the text and the thing
has been suitable or not. And the English teacher give evaluation to the
students and give remedial program to the students. The last activity
conducted in the class is conducting reflection either the students like the
activity conducted or not. It is done to know the students’ will in learning
The students and the English teacher of MTs Ash-Shohibiyah at
Palesanggar Pegantenan Pamekasan has difficulties in managing the class out
side because the students spride anywhere beside that the English get
difficulties in telling the students in looking for the word in dictionary when
they try to make descriptive text. the last is the supervision and helping the
students in answering the students’ question
Based on the result of the analysis had been done by the researcher can
be concluded the english teacher solved the problems by providing the
students dictionaries so that the students needless to asked to English teacher
anymore if the students’ difficulties about vocabulary and to make the
students changeable in asking the English teacher asked them to stand in line
and asked turn by turn.
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