Khoirun Nisa, 2017,The Effect of Hand Puppet Media to the Students’
Speaking Skill at theSeventh Grade of MTs Matsaratul Huda Panempan
Pamekasan.Undergraduate. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program
(PBI) of Tarbiyah Department. The State of Islamic College (STAIN
Pamekasan). Advisor: Abd.Ghofur, M.Pd.
Keywords: Puppet Media and English Speaking
When the teaching learning process becomes an important thing in
understanding the material, it will need something to suport the process of
teaching like media. In a modern era, science and technology becomes more
develope in the education, so the teacher have to know how to use the
technology to get an effective class. Teacher also have to know how to
develope their knowledge to make the innovative media of teaching to teach
their student. In the using media will make the teaching learning process
becomes more interesting. When the student interest to join an English class
by using media, it can make the student enthusias the material especially in
speaking English.
This research has two problems. The first isto know the effect of using
puppet media to the student’s speaking skill on seventh grade student at MTs
Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. The second isto measure the
statistical significant influences of using puppet media to the student’s
speaking skill on seventh grade student at MTs Matsaratul Huda Panempan
Pamekasan. In this case, the researcher used quantitative approach where by
the data was analyzed by using experimental design and kind of experimental
is used pre experimental design with the type one group pre-test post-test
design. The population is at the seventh grade students of A(25) and B
class(25)inMTs Matsaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan, which contains of 50
students and 25 students of A class as a sample. The researcher uses test, and
documentation as the instruments of gathering data and uses t test’s pattern to
analyse the data.
The result of this research showed that there is an effect of using puppet
media to the students’ speaking skill at the seventh grade of MTs Matsaratul
Huda Panempan Pamekasan because the alternative hypothesis is accepted,
which the significance statistically is 5% (0,396). It proved that the obtained
r11is higher than rtable.(pre-test 0,8125>0,396) (post-test 0,45>0,396)
Based on the result above, the researcher suggested for MTs Matsaratul
Huda Panempan Pamekasan can implement the student speaking skill by
using puppet media. Suggestion for the teachersshould have high motivation
to the students who cannot interest and lack of confident to speak up English.
Suggestion for the students must be serious and pay more attentions during
English teaching learning activities especially on English speaking. And for
the future researcher which the result of the research can be used as a
reference in conducting a research which related to the media to achieve
students’ English speaking by using different research design
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