Mojalis, 2017, The Correlation between Students’ Structure Ability and TOEFL Score
on TOEFL C Class at The Sixth Semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan, Thesis,
English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic
College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: SitiAzizah, M. Pd.
Keywords: Students’ Structure Ability, TOEFL Score, TOEFL Class
Structure is the system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and
relationship of word in a sentence, structure is too important to be ignored, without
good structure ability, students’ language development will be severely contained.
Their language development can be measured by a test of English as a foregn language
(TOEFL). At STAIN Pamekasan, TOEFL is one of elective subjectsprovided to the 6th
semester students of English Teaching Learning Program (TBI). Its purpose is to
prepare the sudents how to join the real TOEFL. The kind thetest is paper-based-test
consisting of listening, structureand written expression, and reading comprehension.
Based on the case above, it can be appointed two research problems of this
study, they are, first, whether there is correlation between students’ structure abilityand
TOEFL score on TOEFL class at the sixth semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan or not
and second, howsignificantthe correlation between students’ structure ability and
TOEFL score on TOEFL class at the sixth semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan
is.This study is to measure the correlation between students’ structure ability and
TOEFL scoreon TOEFL C class at the sixth semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan and
to examine the statistically significance of the correlation of students’ structure ability
and TOEFL scoreon TOEFL C class at the sixth semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan.
There are two variables in this study, they arestudents’ structure ability as independent
variable (x) and TOEFL score as dependent variable (y).
This research is quantitative research and the researcher uses correlation
design. The researcher uses test and documentation as the instruments of this research
to collect the data. Data analysis that the researcher used was statistical analysis by
using product moment formula. Population of this research is the students of the sixth
semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan that consist of 7 classes. The researcher takes
one class as sample. The class is C class that consists of 32 students.
The result of this research showed that there is a correlation between the
students’ structure ability and TOEFL score on TOEFL C class at the sixth semester of
TBI at STAIN Pamekasan. It is proven after knowing the result of “r” value is 0.20. It
is lower than “r” table in level significance 5% and 1% with N=28. The score are 0,361
and 0,463. The students’ structure ability has low significant correlation with TOEFL
score on TOEFL class at the sixth semester of TBI at STAIN Pamekasan. It is proven
after knowing the result of “r” value is 0.20. It isbetween0,200-0,400 in the level of
very low correlation.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to help the
students in increasing their structure ability in order that the students can pass the
TOEFL test and they will get good score. The English teacher should have a good
method in teaching structure. For the future researcher that the result of the research can
be used as reference or input to conduct the data, further a better research dealing with
similar topic by using different research design.
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