Dewi Arika, 2017, The Comparison Between Reading Aloud And Silent Reading Strategy
On Student Reading Comprehension A The Eight Grade Of SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan
Undergraduate. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI) of Tarbiyah Department.
The State of Islamic College (STAIN Pamekasan). Advisor: Hj,S, Sumihatul Ummah MS,
Keywords:Students Reading Aloud And Silent Reading on reading comprehension
In general reading aloud in SMP Ma’arif 4 is starting by selecting text which is going to
discuss. Then the teacher got the students to read the text slowly and loudly to determine
whether the students can pronounce each word of the text that he is reading. After reading
the text selected, the teacher asked the all students in the classroom to identify some difficult
words of the text to discuss to make the students understand to the content of the text. The
teacher gave opportunity to the students to ask the meaning of the word. Finally, the teacher
asked the students to translate the text into Indonesian. When the students could translated
the text and could answer some questions related to the text, the teacher categorized them as
students who has understood the text which has been already discussing. Silent reading is
started by selecting an interesting topic to discuss to encourage students have full
participation in the reading class. After that, the teacher provided ten to fifteen minutes for
students to read the selected text silently. Teacher then asked each students to write a
difficult word in white board. Teacher also gave opportunity to the other students to guess
the meaning of written word. After that, teacher and the students discussed the content of the
text. When the students could answer some questions that teacher prepared, the reading
activity was ended.
This research has two problems. The first is To know the differences between reading
aloud and silent reading strategy on students reading comprehension at the eight grade of
SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan Pamekasan. The second is To measure differences between
reading aloud and silent reading strategy on students reading comprehension at the eight
grade of SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan Pamekasan.
In this case, the researcher used quantitative approach by using expost facto. The
population is at the eight grade students of SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan Pamekasan, which
contains of 29 students. The researcher uses test, and documentation as the instruments of
gathering data.
The result of this research showed that the eight grade of SMPhave different
comprehand to reading aloud and silent reading because the alternative hypothesis is
accepted, which the significance statistically is 5%. It proved that the value 5%, t-value is
higher than t-table (t-value > t-table or 2,036 > 2.00)
Based on the result above, the researcher suggested for SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan
Pamekasan can implement strategy continually and should give more facilities. Suggestion
for The English teacher at the eight grade of SMP Ma’arif 4 Panempan Pamekasan it can
help the teachers to make them easier in English teaching learning process exspecially in
reading comprehansion. Suggestion for the students To the students must be serious and pay
more attentions on the teacher motivation and all of the interaction during English teaching
learning activities especially on English Reading. And for the future researcher The Further
researcher hopes this research will give more benefits to the readers or future researchers in
conducting a research which related to Reading Aloud and Silent Reading. They shouldvi
identify all the problems related to teaching learning process in Reading, so that, they can
get accurate data and try to make the students comfort with the test will be given by the
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