Badiatul Hasanah, 2016, Teaching English Vocabularies Through Games
and Songs at Alam Excellentia School Pamekasan. Undergraduate,
Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI),
The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Abd. Ghofur,
Key Words: Games and Songs, Teaching Vocabulary
English is the most important language since it became the
international language. In English also learns vocabulary which is very
important because vocabulary is one of aspects in learning a foreign
language. Teaching vocabulary to the students are not easy; moreover,
teaching in kindergarten. At Sekolah Alam Excellentia Pamekasan, the
teacher uses game and song to teach English vocabulary.
There are three research focuses in this study. The first, how the
teacher teaches vocabulary through games and songs at Sekolah Alam
Excellentia Pamekasan. The second, what the obstacles faced by the
students in teaching vocabulary through games and songs at Sekolah Alam
Excellentia Pamekasan. The third, how the teacher overcomes the
obstacles faced by the students in teaching vocabulary through games and
songs at Sekolah Alam Excellentia Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative approach. While
kind of research, the researcher uses descriptive research. Because the
researcher describes and explain teaching vocabulary through games and
songs at Sekolah Alam Excellentia Pamekasan. To collect the data, the
researcher uses observation by entering to the classroom directly,
interview with the teacher, and documentation by taking picture in the
teaching learning process and to analyze the data, the researcher using four
steps namely collecting data, classifying data, analyzing the data and
drawing a conclusion .
The result of this research is in teaching vocabulary through games
and songs at Sekolah Alam Excellentia Pamekasan teacher used three
steps. They are pre-teaching, whilst-teaching, post-teaching. The teacher
used different game and song in every meeting because in every meeting
were different topic, so the students can pay attention and understand the
material easily. It also stimulated and motivated students to remember the
vocabularies. The teacher also faced problem during the teaching learning
process such the students often forgot the vocabulary but the teacher solve
it directly such the teacher guided the students with a song many times.
Based on the result of research above, game and song is effective
to be implemented in the teaching vocabulary through games and songs
because the teacher implemented the game and song well such the students
can enjoy the teaching and the student are easy to memorize the
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