Maisaroh, 2017. The Correlation between Student’s Habit in Watching English
Film and Their Vocabulary Mastery at the Eleventh Grade of MAN Pamekasan.
Undergraduated. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program, the state of Islamic
Collage (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd.
Key Words : Student’s habits, Watching English Film, Vocabulary mastery.
Watching film is one of media that use in teaching and learning process, It
means that media is a means of communication and source of
information.especially, in English subject. English as foreign languange that has
many vocabularies to be remembered and used. One of the way to enrich
vocabulary is informal learning, using film, because it is one ways where people
can get new and remember the vocabulary. That is why, the researcher wanted to
examine the correlation between student’s habit in watching English film and
their vocabulary at the eleventh grade of MAN Pamekasan. The researcher
measures whether frequency to watch English film would have good correlation
with their vocabulary mastery or not.
This research used correlation design and correlation product moment
formula to describe and to measure the degree of the correlation between student’s
habit in watching English film at the eleventh grade of MAN Pamekasan and
ltheir vovocabulary mastery. Population of this research included all students,
namely 230 students at the eleventh grade of MAN Pamekasan. The researcher
takes 40% of population. So, there were 69 students who became sample in this
researcher. The samples were chosen by using simple random sampling. The
research instrument was questionnaire, test and documentation.
After getting the data, the researcher did calculation by using product
moment formula where it got value of rxy= 0,758. If it compared with r-table \,
value of rxy was high or strong level and significant level, then, rxy>level of
significance 5% (0,235). Value of rxy was higher that level of significance or rtable and it meant that alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Based on finding
above, it can be concluded that there was correlation between student’s habits in
watching English film and their vocabulary mastery. So, the hypothesis (Ha) is
accepted, and the result was significant it might be caused by some factors, such
as the students felt interest if they can get new vocabulary or memorized it by
watching English film and the English film that they watched was subtitle in
indonesian. So, they can be improved their vocabulary mastery because they had
habits in watching English film.
The result of this research is important for the teacher to know the
correlate of student’s habit in watching English film and their vocabulary. The
researcher hopes that the teacher is able to help the students in improving English
especially vocabulary as one of its component. And for students, it is suggested to
memorize more and exersice more about vocabulary, so they can improve
themselves in vocabulary mastery. For further researcher, the result of this
research is able to be used as references if they want to conduct the research next
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