Farhatin, 2017, The Grammatical Error Analysis on Student’s Diary in Eight
Grade of MTs Al-Djufri Boarding School Blumbungan Pamekasan, Thesis,
English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of
Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, Advisor: Dr. Mashur Abadi, M.Fil.I.
Keywords: Error Analysis, Grammatical Error, Student’s Diary
English is the most popular language in the world. Meanwhile, English is
taught as compulsory lesson in every educational institution from Elementary
School, Junior High School, Senior High School, until University. Many people
from the students up to public people learn to know English. Student learns
English will have skills. Namely grammar, speaking, listening, writing, and also
reading. We can use grammar to write. Therefore, there are two research focuses
are: (1) What are the grammatical errors on Student’s Diary in Eight Grade of
MTs Al-Djufri Boarding School Blumbungan Pamekasan? and (2) What are the
influence factors of grammatical errors on Student’s Diary in Eight Grade of MTs
Al-Djufri Boarding School Blumbungan Pamekasan?
Error is a deviation in learner language which results from lack of
knowledge of the correct rule. Error Analysis (EA) is the first approach to the
study of SLA includes English. Grammar is a body of generalizations about how
people say things. Diary is a media can used for students to write stories or events
which they consider important to write.
This reseach include to descriptive qualitative reseacrch. While the
researcher as the main instrument as collector, observation, and data analyzer. In
to subject and object of research on eight grade of MTs Al-Djufri Blumbungan
Pamekasan. After collecting the data, then the researcher analyzed the data by
reduction, display, and drawing conclusion.
From the observation which is done by the researcher, the researcher
found that grammatical errors on student’s diary are: (1) Did not use verb 2 for
past tense, (2) Missing and using error the auxiliary verb, (3) Error on sentence
structure, (4) Missing and error verb, and (5) Error pronoun. After knowing some
grammatical errors on student’s diary the researcher also found that any factors
which influenced the student. Beside that, the researcher interviewed the student
about it and also the English teacher. Actually, there are only two factors: (1)
Lack of vocabulary and (2) Lack of knowledge about grammar or structure.
From the research result the researcher suggests to the student to join
English class seriously in order to know more make good sentece includes in their
diary. The researcher expects this reseacher becomes teacher’s refference or
orientation in teaching learning process especially to make success in their
learning process.
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