Zarrotun Nasihah, 2016 The Analysis of Satire on Jason Reitman’s Thank You for
Smoking Movie Script, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI),
Tarbiyah Departmen, The state of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor :
Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd
Keywords : Satire, Thank You for Smoking
Thank You for Smoking movie is a satiric movie based on the novel with
the same title, but different writer. The writer of the novel is Christopher Buckley.
This movie released on march 17, 2006 in U.S. and one of the actor of this movie
is Nick Naylor. That is a lobbyst of academy tobacco studies. This movie is about
cigarettes and the danger also effect of smoking in our health. And for this movie
there are irony in satire on the characters of the movie.
Based on the fact above, there are two problems that become research
problem in this research, namely : the first, what is satire on Thank You for
Smoking movie script; the second, What is social criticism on Thank You for
Smoking movie script.
This research uses sociologycal approach and uses library research as kind
of research. The data source are dialogue of Thank You for Smoking movie. To
collect the data, researcher use documentation. Documentation is about transcript
of the movie.
The result of analyzing the data shows the satire on Thank You for
Smoking movie script by Jason Reitman. The satire on Thank You for Smoking
movie script, the researcher found twelve data of satire. All of the satire on this
movie script are employed by characters namely : first, the researcher found
horation satire is only one data; second, juvenalian satire is five data; third, found
irony in satire is six data; fourth, found allegory is also only one data. And the
social criticism on Thank You for Smoking movie script by Jason Reitman, there
are 3 data namely social, political and cultural issues. Those all are the finding of
this research.
Based on the result above, researcher has three suggestions, namely for
reader, educator and the next researcher. For the reader, they will know about
what is satire more deeply and then corelation with daily activity in the real life.
For the educator is this research explain about what is smoking and the dangerous
of smoking. That is useful because a educator must know about the dangerous of
smoking because the educator will explain to their student what is smoking and
the effect when the student smoking. And then for the next researcher is the
researcher can analyze the same point of view for example the analysis satire with
different title of movie script or the analysis satire with the same title but using
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