Moh Affan.2016,The Effect of Highlighting Strategy on Students’ Reading
Comprehension Achievement at Eighth Grade of MTs Darussalam Sumenep.
Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of
Islamic College (STAIN)Pamekasan.Advisor: Dr.H.Moh.Muchlis Solichin,M. Ag.
Keyword: Highlighting Strategy, Students’ Reading Comprehension
Reading is one of English skill that has the important role for the students
success in learning to get new knowledge. In junior high school, there are many
reading materials that have complex information. To comprehend the text, they
need reading strategy in order they will get the point of the massage. It also helps
the learner to be active and creative, so they will easier to understand the content
of the text, such as highlighting strategy. By using highlighting through color then
giving meaning in side of the text, the students will more interest to read and
understand the content.
The main problem of this research are do the eighth grade students taught
reading by using highlighting strategy achieve better on reading comprehension
and is there any significant effect of highlighting strategy on students reading
comprehension achievement at eighth grade of MTs Darussalam Sumenep,
because highlighting strategy is one of reading strategy that can help the learner
easier to comprehend the text by giving underlining or sign that are the key word
or point of the text through color to get the point of the text.
In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research approach exactly
Experimental research design, and the population of this research is all of eighth
grade students of MTs Darussalam Sumenep and also as the sample of this
research is A class. The instruments used in collecting data are test and
documentation. This research was done two months since 20th of August until
20th of September 2016, The technique of data analysis used in statistical analysis
exactly “t” test analysis.
The result of this research showed that using Highlighting Strategy in
reading comprehension has significant effect on reading comprehension at VIII
Grade of MTs Darussalam Sumenep. It is proven from the result of the data
analysis and hypotheses test that showed after treatment using highlighting
strategy the students’ score is higher than before treatment. The mean value of
pre-test is 66, 94 and post-test is 87, 5. The difference is 20,56 points. Whereas
from the result of “t” test analysis found that the value of “t” test is higher than t
table. The value of “t” test is 6, 362 while the critical value in df 35 on 1% is 2 72,
on 5% is 2,03.
Based on the result of this research above can be concluded that using
highlighting strategy in learning reading comprehension give significant effect on
students’ reading comprehension. So, the researcher suggests the teacher to use
this strategy in teach English reading comprehension because this strategy is
useful for the students to improve their reading comprehension.
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