Muhammad Zainuddin, 2017, Learning Strategies used by the Sixth Semester
Student’s in Answering the TOEFL Question Exercise of TBI STAIN Pamekasan,
undergraduate thesis, English Teaching Learning Program, Tarbiyah Department,
Advisor, Siti Azizah, M. Pd.
Key Words: TOEFL Strategy, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading
In learning process students achievement is the priorities that students
want to achieve, students do an exercise and learn the material just want to get a
good achievement, so to make students easier in answering the TOEFL test or
TOEFL exercise. Strategy that students applied to make them easier in facing
TOEFL test will help them in answering the question. In TOEFL class students
will get some strategies that lecture give in the meeting and also lecture hopes it
can make students easier in answering the TOEFL Test.
There are four research focus that researcher found and try to find the
solution by researcher. The first is what are the learning Strategies used by the
sixth semester students in answering the TOEFL question exercises in listening
section, the second is what are the learning Strategies used by the sixth semester
students in answering the TOEFL question exercises in structure section, the third
is what are the learning Strategies used by the sixth semester students in
answering the TOEFL question exercises in reading section, and then the last is
what are the learning Strategies used by the sixth semester students in answering
the TOEFL question exercises in writing section in TOEFL test of TBI STAIN
In this research the researcher used qualitative as the approach of the
research, and kind of the research is descriptive, because all of the review
literature will be describe into the words explanation. The data sources are from
the students, and also from the lecture. In collecting the data the researcher used
some procedures those are observation, interview, and documentation. Then the
researcher analyzed the data by reduction, display, and verification. Additionally,
for getting the validity of the data the researcher used triangulation of data
From the result of research showed there are some strategies that students
used in answering the TOEFL Test such as Enrich their vocabularies, reads
English passage more, read an englis text like a magazines, newspaper etc.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the students who want to
learn about English language, they have to motivated themselves to be a better
students if they want to get a good achievement, enrich their vocabularies, train
more, and also don’t forget to read English passage more.
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