The Students Difficulties In Composing Academic Paper In English The Sixth Semester Students At English Teaching Learning Program of STAIN Pamekasan
Jauhara Sakiyatus Zilmi, 2016, The Students Difficulities In Composing
Academic Paper In English At The Sixth Semester Students At English Teaching
Learning Program of STAIN Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, English
Teaching Learning Program (PBI) of Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic
College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd.
Keywords: Composing difficulties, English Academic Paper
The composing academic paper is an action of writing or composing any
writing done to fulfill a requiremet of college or universivity. So every students
should has good ability in writing skill, it will help them to be easier in
composing something especially in composing academic paper. From the
assigment, the students find difficulties. There are many students does not
know about it. So that, they get difficulities when they compose academic
paper. Students of sixth semester at English Teaching Learning of STAIN
Pamekasan gets difficulities when they compose the academic paper in
From the phenomenon above, the researcher wants to know what are the
difficulties in composing academic paper in english at the sixth ssemester
sstudents at Teaching Learning Program of STAIN Pamekasan and how do
they overcome the difficulities in composing academic paper in english at the
sixth semester students at English Teaching Learning Program of STAIN
In this case, the researcher used descriptive qualitative. The researcher
got the data from the interview, observation and documentation. The data
sources are the lecture of Psycholinguistic subject especially in F class and the
students of this classs. The data analysis that the researcher used are data
reduction, data display and Conclusion drawing/ verification. To check the data
validity, the researcher used triangulation data combine.
The result of this research showed that there are many students are
difficulties in composing academic paper in english. The students difficulties
are difficulty in getting related references, difficulty of understanding the
theory, difficulty in quotation, difficulty in grammar, and difficulty in
punctuation. And then, the solution that the students do to overcome the
difficulties are reading books, asking to the someone else, and searching in
According to the statement above, It is suggested for the english lecture
to understand more about the difficulty which is faced by the students in
composing English paper, so that it will be easier for them to finish their paper
assignment. And then, the students must study and read much again especially
about English paper.
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