Erika Afriyanti Rukaini, 2016, The Use Of Guided Reading Technique In Teaching
Reading Comprehension At The Fifth Grade Of Elementary 2 Panaguan Larangan
Pamekasan. Undergraduate, thesis, English Teaching Learning Program, The State Of
Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor :Drs. Moh. Masyhur Abadi M. Fil .I
Keywords: The Text Or Story, Guide Reading Technique, Reading Comprehension.
Reading is one of the four skills of English skills, thre are : listening, reading,
writing, and speaking. Reading is one of the important element in language that
should be anderstood by the learners because be supports the learning of the English
language skills development in order to master the target language.many of students
difficult to read and comprehend Englisg text. To help students easy in reading there
are many ways that teacher can do, one of which using media. One kind of media is
enjoyable techique.
There are two problem in this research 1. How does the teacher use guided
reading technique in teaching reading comprehension? 2. What the difficulties faces
by the teacher in using guided reading technique in teaching reading comprehension?
3. How the teacher solve the problem in using guided reading technique in teaching
reading comprehension?
In this study, the objective are :1. To describe how teacher used guided
reading in teaching reading comprehension because there are many mistake when the
students reading the text. And 2. The teacher use of method students’ in reading by
using guided reading technique in teaching reading comprehension.
This reseach used qualitative approch, while the reseach method applied in
this study is descriptive reseach. The qualitative approch here is to describe the data
the form words. The data is taken from the use of guide reading, in this study, the
instrument use observation, interview, and documentation. They are pre research step,
the process of research, the teaching reading by using guide reading.
The result of this reseach shows that reading comprehension by using guide
reading of the text or interesting story at Fifth Grade of Elementary 2 Panaguan
Larangan Pamekasan. was success. The teacher asked to the students to read and try
to understand the text or story without the text interesting and with using text
intresting include. In the first meeting the teacher asked the students to arringing the
random text correct paragraph without guide reading of story guideline. And the
second meeting the teacher asked the students to arring random text into correct
paragraph by using the guide reading of story guideline. So that, researcher knew that
using guide reading of the text or story make students get motivation and interseting
to read English text better than text only. The students don’t feel bored to read, they
looked fun and enthusiasts while the teaching learning process. The students also
showed their development on reading comprehension.
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