Yuli Fitriana, 2017, The Desire of Main Character to Acquire Throne of a Kingdom on Jang Ok Jung Movie Script, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Abd. Ghofur, M.Pd
Key words : Desire, Main Character
Korea succeeded in introducing and showing the interest movie to the watcher. Where the content from one of the movie is about the history one of kingdom and tell how the desire grow to a woman, which is the main character be able to make interesting image to the researcher. In this movie, the main character have a strong expectation to acquire of throne. Based on the phenomena the researcher interested to conduct research of desire main character to acquire throne of a kingdom on Jang Ok Jung movie script.
Based on the case above, it can be appointed two research problems of this study in which they are: what is the reason of main character’s desire to acquire throne of a kingdom on Jang Ok Jung movie script and how the main character end her desire to acquire throne of a kingdom on Jang Ok Jung movie script.
The purpose of this research is to identify the reason of main character’s desire and to know how the main character ends her desire to acquire throne of a kingdom. This research use qualitative approach and use content analysis to involve the contexts in the written texts or the script of this movie itself. Subject of this research is the desire of main character occurs on Jang Ok Jung Movie. The data source taken by the script of this movie, that’s documentation and observation. After getting the data, the researcher observes the data and the last narrating the answer to the research question based on the step of data analysis in this research.
After doing the analysis, the researcher found that the reason of desire’s main character happen because she got the bed treat from her environment. The bad conditions here make the main character changes and correct herself with do such as action. All of the pain happens to main character change her mind and her habit in order to get a desire that she wants. In the end, the main character should ended her desire because she aware that her desire overdo. Desire should not grow to her life. Desire affluent can make the people be trapped in the bad condition and finally should end her desire with disillusionment moreover the death and it is happen to the main character in this movie.
Based on the result of the study which has been done by the researcher, it can be conclude that there is some reason to make the desire of main character grow fast. The thing very influent in this case is about family circles, the condition of environment. Although in the end, her desire should end with her dying.
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