FITRIYAH MUSTHAFA, 2015. “Analysis Religious values On
Maher Zain’s “Forgive Me” Album On Al-Ghazali’s
Persepective. Thesis English Teaching Learning Program of
Tarbiyah Departemen. The State of Islamic College (STAIN),
Advisor. Henny Uswatun Hasanah. M.Pd
Keyword: Religious values, Maher Zain songs, Imam AlGhazali’s
Religious values are ethical principles founded in religious
traditions, texts and beliefs. This value is coming from the
guidance of Allah. From religious values, human get instruction of
Allah about how to live, and everything is certainly created and
managed by Allah SWT. For example, to be able to relate with
Allah human must pray by their own religious. Finally, people
realize that they just weak creature and cannot do anything
without His permission.
The researcher analyzes the religious values in Maher Zain
songs based on Imam Al-Ghazali’s perspective. There are four
categories of religious value based on Imam Al-Ghazali. The first
the principles of knowledge and belief, the second is the principle
of physical charity, the third is the purify of heart from bad
characteristic and the last is the principle of good characteristic.
In this study there are two research focused (1) what the
religious values appear in Maher Zain’s songs in “Forgive Me”
album? And (2) How the religious values in Maher Zain’s songs
in Imam Al-Ghazali’s perspective?
In this research, the researcher used qualitative approach
and used content analysis as kind of research. The data source is
taken from the second album that is Forgive Me because this
album is new album release after Thank You Allah Album and the
researcher take two of songs in this album “Forgive Me and
Paradise” because the researcher thinks that is represent enough.
To collect the data, the researcher uses library research. The
researcher search, collect and read the data that contain religious
values in Maher Zain’s songs in Imam Al-Ghazali’s perspective.
The result of this research showed the religious values in
Maher Zain’s songs in Imam Al-Ghazali’s perspective. The
researcher founded sixteen religious values in two songs in Imam
Al-Gahzali’s perspective in different category. In Forgive Me
song is the principle of knowledge and faith, the principle of
physical charity, and the principle of good characteristic. In
Paradise song is the principle of knowledge and faith and the
principle of physical charity.
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