Khoirul Anwar, 2017, The Correlation The Correlation Between Small Class
on the Students’ Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of MA Nurus Sholah
Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan. Undergraduate. Thesis, English Teaching
Learning Program (TBI) of Tarbiyah Department. The State of Islamic
College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd.
Keyword: Small Class and Speaking Skill
In English speaking class we can find difficulties or problems to make
a conversation in English such as have limited vocabulary. Sometimes
student make presentation in front of class they have confused to speak
because of a little vocabulary they have. Or the problem comes from
studentnumbers that can influence the condition of the class. Student numbers
become problem that can influence the effectiveness of their learning skill. It
is important to know, because there are many institution of education that
have a lot of students who learn in some classroom, eg. In two or three
classrooms that include of twenty-five until thirty students of each class, it’s
happen in the junior and senior high school of boarding school institution that
have a lot of students.
This research has two problems. The first is find any correlation
between small class on the students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade of MA
Nurus Sholah Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan. The second is to measure the
significance correlation between small class on the students’ speaking skill at
eleventh grade of MA Nurus Sholah Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan. In this
case the researcher use quantitative aproach whereby the data was analyzed
by using correlational procedure. The population is at the elaventh grade
Grade of MA Nurus Sholah Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan, which contains of
14 students and also becomes a sample. The researcher uses questionnair, test
and documentation as the instrument of gethering the data and uses product
moments’ pattern to analyse the data.
The result of this research the researcher found that smaller class the
better students’ speaking skill or between small class and students’ speaking
skill has correlation or (Ha) is accepted at the eleventh grade of MA Nurus
Sholah Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan. which based on the table interpretation
of “r” value above, it is known that value of rxy is 0,0874. The score of r
statistical higher than score of r table, the number of respondents is N=14.
Based on the result above, the researcher suggested for MA Nurus
Sholah Batulabang Akkor Pamekasan to increase their stidents’ speaking
skill. Suggestion for the teachers should have high motivation to the students
who cannot interest and lack of confident to speak up English. Suggestion for
the students must be serious and pay more attentions during English teaching
learning activities especially on English speaking. And for the future
researcher which the result of the research can be used as a reference in
conducting a research which can use the different research design that is
comparison between small and large class to their speaking skill.
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