Linda Riskiyanti Dewi, 2016, The Use of “Fan-N-Pick” Technique in
Teaching Speaking Skill at The First Grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu
Pamekasan. Undergraduate. Thesis. English Teaching Learning Program.
Tarbiyah Department. Advisor: Abd. Ghofur, M.Pd.
Key Words: Fan-N-Pick Technique, Students Speaking Skill
Speaking is productive skills in language teaching that must be
mastered by students, because the learner success measured by their
speaking. Being a good speaker need much practices in order to develop
speaking skill and we can practice this skill in many places such as in the
school. Therefore in teaching speaking theEnglish teacher of First grade in
SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan using Fan-N-Pick technique to make the
students motivated in speaking activity and speaks much in the class
There are three research problems in this study. The first is how the
English teacher use Fan-N-Pick technique in teaching speaking skill at the
First Grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan. The second is what are the
advantages of the use Fan-N-Pick technique in teaching speaking skill at
the First Grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan. And the third is what
are the weaknesses ofthe use Fan-N-Pick technique in teaching speaking
skill at the First Grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses Qualitative as the approach of the
research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the
English teacher of first grade and the students of this class. In collecting
the data, the researcher uses some procedures those are non participant
observation, structured interview, and documentation. Then the researcher
analyzes the data by reduction, display, and verification. Additionally, for
getting the validity of the data, the researcher used method triangulation.
The result of this research shows teaching speaking by using Fan-NPick
technique help the students motivated in their speaking activity, they
feel enjoy and enthusiast in joining the lesson. They also be bravery in
express their feeling orally because the situation not look like formal
situation. This techniquehas some advantages, it motivates students to
express their idea easily; the students can share the idea by other students
and help them to understand the material well, exploring idea, and have a
better knowledge and new experience by sharing in teammates. In the
other hand, this technique provides weaknesses such as, noisy situation,
lost of the concentration, and need many vocabularies.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to be
selective in implementing the technique and to have a good preparation in
order it can run well. It is also suggested for the students to practice the
language through speaking in order to have a good speaking and they
should motivate themselves in learning because a good learning and
practice will get a good skill.
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