The Teacher’s Casuality Style in Teaching Speaking for The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan
Sofia Inayati, 2015, The Teacher’s Casuality Style in Teaching Speaking for The Seventh Grade Students of MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan, undergraduate thesis, English Teaching Learning Program, Tarbiyah Department, Advisor, Hasan Basri M.Pd.
Key Words: Casual Style, Teaching Speaking
Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.The teacher takes an important role in the teaching process moreover for an English teacher. In the same line, the teacher’s style may give effect to the students learning. English teacher of MTsN Sumber Bungur namely Mr. Holil Ibrahim as one of English teachers uses casual style that usually used for relatives and friends in teaching English especially in teaching speaking skill for the seventh grade class to have a good interaction with the students in order the students are motivated in learning English.
There are two research problems in this study. The first is how the English teacher uses casual style in teaching speaking skill for the seventh grade in MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan. The last is why the English teacher uses casual style in teaching speaking skill for the seventh grade in MTsN Sumber Bungur Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative as the approach of the research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the English teacher of seventh grade and the students of this class. In collecting the data, the researcher usessome procedures those are observation, interview, and documentation. The researcher then analyzes the data by reduction, display, and verification. Additionally, for getting the validity of the data, the researcher used source triangulation.
The result of research shows that the casual style used by the English teacher is successful in teaching speaking since the students are eanthusiast in learning and they can understand clearly the material. the students also are not afraid and shy to speak and express their idea since the teacher makes the class enjoyable and lively so that they are avoided from the boring situation.Besides the English teacher has some reasons in using the style and one of them to make the students talk active in the class since they think that learning English is easy for them.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to use easy style in teaching speaking skill. It should motivate students to speak much in the class and the students will be challenged to speak so that they can reach the goal of language namely communication.
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