The Implementation of Climbing Up Ladder Game At Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 4 Pamekasan
Wasilatul Hasanah. 2014. The Implementation of Climbing Up Ladder Game At Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 4 Pamekasan. Thesis, under graduate (S1), tarbiyah department, English Education Department, advisor, Abd. Ghofur, M.Pd.
Key Words : Vocabulary Mastery, Climbing Up Ladder Game
Learning vocabulary is very important because vocabulary is one of aspects in learning a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary to the students are not easy. To solve this problem, the teacher has to create appropriate strategy to teach vocabulary easily. That is climbing up ladder. Climbing up ladder is a kind of games which students must discuss with their group and they must design a puzzle piece to represent their topic. From the result in preliminary study, the researcher found many problems faced by the teacher in learning vocabulary. (1) The teacher had taught vocabulary to the students by using game. (2) The students were not interested in studying vocabulary. (3) The teacher never gave a game which was related by vocabulary subject. (4) The students had no motivation to study English especially vocabulary.
This study is purposed at improving the vocabulary mastery ability of the students by using “Climbing Up Ladder Game”. It is selected because it can provide the reserach problem is how is the implantation of climbing up ladder game at eighth grade of state junior high school 4 pamekasan, what are the problems faced by the teacher and the students in climbing up ladder game at eighth of state junior high school 4 pamekasan.”
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative approach while the kind of research which the researcher used is descriptive qualitative. In collecting the data the researcher uses three techniques. They are; observation, interview, and documentation techniques. There are some steps that researcher applied in collecting the data. They are; pre-research, the process of research, and arranging the result of research.
The result of this research by using “climbing up ladder” game can make the students enjoy and interest in studying vocabulary subject. And also, this game gives the teacher a good way in teaching learning process in the classroom. Although this game makes the students active in the class, but there is problem or difficulty which is faced by the students.
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