The Implementation of Talking Chips Technique on Students'Speaking Skill of Eleventh Grade in SMA I Waru Pamekasan Academic Years 2013-2014
Maimuna, 2Q14, The Implementation of Talking Chips Technique on Students'
Speaking Skill of Eleventh Grade in SMA I Waru Pamekasan Acadernic Years
2013-201{ undergraduate thesis, English Teaching Learning Program,
Tarbiyah Department, Advisor, Afifah Raihany M.Pd.
Key Words: Talking Chips Technique, Students' Speaking Skill
Speaking is the important skills in studying a language because it makes
the people are easier to express their idea orally. Speaking is the activity of
transferring the message to other people and it can involve two or more people.
The teacher uses technique in teaching speaking at eleventh grade students at
SMAN I Waru namely talking chips technique to make the students have equal
opporruniry in speaking class.
There are two reseatch problems in this study. The first is how the
teacher implement talking chips technique on students' speaking skill of
eleventh grade in SMAN 1 Waru Pamekasan. The seoond is how do the
students'responses to the teacher's implementation of talking chips technique
on students speaking skill of eleventh grade in SMAN I Waru Pamekasan
In this research, the researcher used qualitative as the approach ofthe
research and kind of the research is descriptive. The data sources are the
English teacher of eleventh grade and the students of this class. ln collecting
the data, the researcher used some procedules those are observation, interview,
and documentation.
The result of research showed that talking chips technique is
implemented by the English teacher in speaking class. The English teacher
divided the students into five groups that each group consisted of six students
but there was one group that consisted of seven students. Every student was
given chips and number in the goup. When all of students will speak up' they
should put chips in the number. Then, they speak up, another one thought to
give respond and continue the discussion. After that, the captain in the group
gave conclusion of the result in their discussion. So, there are four steps in this
activity given by the teacher to the students in teaching learning process.
Additionally, the students were interested in the implementation of talking
chips technique on students speaking skill because they can speak up through
share their ideas and give opinions to other students in the classroom. In brief,
this technique can be implemented by the English teacher in teaching English,
especially speaking.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the English teacher to
select a good technique that more suitable with the condition of the students,
should make the situation of the class is more lively in order the students can
express their idea freely, and should give motivation more to the students in
every activity in the classroom especially in speaking class. Similarly, the
students should pay attention on the English teacher's motivation and all of the
interaction during the activities in order that can encourage their skill that they
have learnt.
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