The Values of Character Education “In The Land of Five Towers Novel”by A.Fuadi.Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN)Pamekasan
UmmuKulsum 2013,TheValues of Character Education “In The Land of Five Towers Novel”by A.Fuadi.Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN)Pamekasan. Advisor: Drs,MoslehHabibullah, M.Pd.
Keywords:The values of Character Education, literature, and The Land of Five Towers Novel.
Novel is a kind of literatures that is useful for its readers. It can be entertainment because the readers can enjoy the story or the experiences in the novel. Beside to entertain the readers, reading novel also gives many advantages, by the values of character education that exist in the novel. A novel has values of character education that can be learned by the readers. Therefore, the values of character education in the novel can be adopted in the reader’s life.
There are two research problems of this study. The first one is there any values of character education in the land of five towers novel. The second one is what are the values of character education that appears in this novel based on Thomas Lickhona theory.
The Researcher conductsthis research to identify and describe the values of character education that appears in the land of five towers novel based on Thomas Lickona Theory. It is a content analysis by using qualitative approach. Therefore, to collect the data that concerns with the values of character education, the researcher uses observation text.
The result of this research shows that the values of character education in this novel concern the relation between the parent’s and the son, and the others his friends, the attitude toward friends and also how to treat a human own self. Those values of character education area delivered indirectly. So, the story and the character’s attitudes are interpreted by the researcher to describe the values of character education dealing with the theory of Thomas Lickhona.The values of character education in the novel appear by the character’s attitudes, the dialogues and also the character’s thoughts.
From this research, it is suggested to the readers of novel to understand the values of character education in the novel. So, they can learn and adopt that values of character education in their life. Beside that, it is also suggested for the next researcher to analyze this novel from the other values such as social values or religious values. Otherwise, the next researcher can analyze the values of character education in this novel by using the other theory. So, the readers will know the others, from different
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