ABSTRACT Qumiati, 2016, An Analysis of Main Character's Social Conflicts in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat Pray Love. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Leaming Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College {STAIN) Pamekasan . Advisor: Drs.Mosleh Habibullah , M.Pd. Keywords: Social Conflict, Novel. Literature is the result of a creative activity that is presented in the form of work. I…
ABSTRAK Laili Qurniati, 2013, Pandangan Masyarakat Desa Bilapora Rebba Kec.Lenteng Kab.Sumenep Tentang Profil Keluarga Berkarakter Islami. Skripsi, Program Studi Al Ahwal Al Syakhsiyah, Jurusan Syariah, STAIN Pamekasan, Pembimbing : Umar Bukhory, M. Ag Kata Kunci :Pandangan Masyarakat, Keluarga Berkarakter Islami. Keluarga berkarakter islami (Baitul Islam) adalah keluarga teladan dari seb…