Keywords: The Correlation, Grammar Mastery, Speaking Skill The importance of grammatical knowledge in English of speaking skill is already a matter of necessity in the learning a language. Therefore, this study constitutes of the research about The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Tahfidh Putri Al-Amien Prenduan…
Keywords : Students’ Response, Writing, Lecturer’s Corrective Feedback Writing is one of skills in language learning that require some ability to be conducted. It caused because in writing, the students should pass some steps. The students sometimes do not know what the steps exactly are to be done first in order they can begin to write well. This case makes the students confuse how to beg…
Keywords : Media, Picture, Vocabuary Media are tools that can be used by teacher in teaching learning process. There are many kinds of media that teacher can use in teaching English, the example is picture. Picture can be used by teacher in teaching English vocabulary. The teacher can use it by method that can make the students interested in the class. So that, picture can help teacher…
Key word: Vocabulary Mastery, Watching YouTube Cartoon Videos Vocabulary Mastery is an activity where the student get new english vocabulary lesson in the class while Vocabulary is core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how learners speak, listen, and write well.Watching YouTube cartoon videos can help vocabulary mastery early childhood. Cartoon videos …
Keywords:Talking Stick Method, Speaking In Indonesia, English has become one of the mandatory materials in learning from junior high school to university levels. In which learning there are four main aspects, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. Based on this aspect speaking is the main aspect in mastering the foreign language being studied. Speaking a foreign language for …
Keywords: speaking, outdoor learning, student’s respond. Latansa is a course that uses outdoor learning in speaking English. The purpose of the study was to know the learning process of speaking English class by tutors at Latansa in using outdoor learning and what were the students' responses to the tutor’s use of outdoor learning in speaking English. Based on this research, the rese…
Key Words: Error Analysis, Learner Language and Subtitle of Mind Your Language Movie In the process of learning a second language as like English language most of the learners are possible to make some errors. Error is an interference or negative disorder which learners language produce due to the influence of their mother tongue. The phenomena of error in learner language is an integr…
Key words: Self-efficacy, Speaking Achievement In the third semester of TBI IAIN Madura, some of students do not believe with their abilities. It relates with their level of self-efficacy which is influence their successful in doing a particular task given by the teacher. For instance, in speaking subject the students think that they cannot do the task well that make them difficult to …
Keyword: Vocabulary, Movie, Subtitle. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write, vocabulary is more than list of target languge words. Movie is one of the visual aids that show pictures with sound coming out through stereo sound, movies combine entertainment with instruction, make the learning proce…
Keywords: Vocabulary, Teacher Problem, and online class Vocabulary is word need to understand to communicated. It is important to learn vocabulary though before learning four skills in English language learning. During covid-19 teaching learning process has been obstruct by pandemic that demand people to social distancing. During teaching learning process at SDN Buddagan 2 used online c…
Key word : Students Anxiety, and Public Speaking Student anxiety is a student activity in public such as in front of the class, in crowds, seminars, course. Students anxiety is a student who feels anxiety when speaking in front of many people so that from this anxiety makes students feel uneasy, not focused in public speaking. There are two research problems, the firts research problem is the…
Key Words:Animation Video, Vocabulary Mastery The development of technology is very rapid, especially the media, one of which is video animation. have an impact in the world of education in utilizing animated videos. Animated videos can be used as an interactive learning medium. To make it easier for children to learn other languages.then this material is packaged in an attractive way …
Key Word: Cultural Values on D. Zawawi Imron Poetry, Analysis, Koentjaraningrat theory. This study describes the cultural values contained in a poem by a writer from Madura, namely D. Zawawi Imron, with the tittle of the poem “Madura akulah Darahmu” based on Koentjarangrat perspective. There are tree research focus in this research, there is a research focus namely: What are cultur…
Keywords : Group Work, Teaching Grammar, Students’ Response Teaching grammar is not that easy because there are many formulas in composing sentences. The teacher needs to think the process of teaching learning is effective. One of which is part of cooperative learning, namely group work. Group work activity is learning that the teacher practice of putting students to effectiveness in learnin…
Keywords : Writing Diary Habit, Students’ Writing Skill Writng skill is very crusial skill which the students should have it. Having good writing skill is needed by students, because in every they are studying abviously they need it. Such as the way they reveal their thought by writing, the way they will answer some question on the question sheet of examanation moreover they can develop it…
Advisor: Afifah Rayhani, M. Pd. Keywords: Language Style, Whatsapp. Language is primarily an instrument of communication among human being in a community. Everyone has language to communicate with other. When they want to communicate each other, they used language to communicate, share and give opinion. Without language, communication is not understood and people who hear do not understand of…
Keywords: Character Education, Values, Film. Education is generally defined as a process of developing personal abilities to survive and providing knowledge about how to speak etiquette, as well as learning science which can ultimately be taught to others. Other media such as film. Seeing the function of the film as part of the mass media, in addition to functioning to entertain, the film al…
Keywords : HURIER Model, Listening Listening is one of the skill in English which is also very important in learning that must be developed. Listening is an ability to hear what is heard like what someone says by understanding it. While the learning model in teaching and learning is very influential in the learning process to make it easier for students to achieve an ability in learnin…
Keywords:Filled Pauses,Students’Communication and English Department Filled pauses is one ofdisfluencies in speaking thatoccur spontaneously,likesay“umm,ehm,uhh”,butwhenthespeakersayit thereisnomeaning.Ithappensjusttoshowifthespeakerdoesnotfinish inspeech.Thereareseveralwordthatincludeinfilledpausesare“Ithink, oke,yeah,youknow”. Theresearcherhastwo formulation,firstwhattypesoff…