1.From Aceh For Nusantara: The Countribution of 18 Th Century Acehnese Ulama's Work in Integration of Science 2. Manuscripts in Sumenep Madura: The Legacy of pesantren and its Ulama 3. Psycho-Physio Therapy as a Local Wisdom: An Empirical Sufi Based Method
1. Islam Nusantara: A Semantic and Symbolic Analysis 2. Transnational Idiologies and Religious Local Wisdom 3. Arabic as a Language of Islam Nusantara: the Need for an Arabic Literature of Indonesia 4. Religious Rhetoric and Reform: A Case Study of India 5. The Legacy of Tasawuf Akhlaqi' Syaikh Sholeh Darat and Syaikh Ihsan Jampes
An Integrated Language Approach
1. Reorentasi Pendidikan Islam (Memperkokoh Wacana Masyarakat Madani) 2. Problem dan Tantangan Pendidikan Agama Islam (Perspektif Filosofis) 3. Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibnu Sina dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia 4. Deminsi Kemanusiaan dalam Pendidikan Islam (Perspektif Al-Qura'an
ABSTRACT Ari Hartinah, 2019. Correlation between english evaluation score and students confidence in English Subject at the tenth grade in SMKN 1 Tlanakan. thesis, English teaching learning pogram. Tarbiyah Department. Advisor: Henny Uswatun Hasanah, M.Pd Key word : English evaluation score and students confidence English evaluation score is an value of the students ability from evaluat…
ABSTRACT ZainalAbidin, 2019,The Use of Simple Present Tenses as Media in Teaching Speaking Fluency of The Eleventh Grade of State Vocational High School 1ProppoPamekasan,Thesis,Tarbiyah Faculty, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura, Advisor:Dr. H. Umar Bukhory,M.Ag Key Words: Simple Present Tense, Speaking Influency, Vocabulary Si…