An Analysis of Teacher-Centered Learning Phenomena in The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English Subject: A Case Study in The Ninth Grade at MTs Mashlahatul Hidayah
Keywords: Teacher-Centered, Learning, Curriculum
The Curriculum 2013 employs student centered approach where teacher
encourages students to be active in constructing the lesson which is totally different
to teacher centered approach in which the teacher holds dominantly the teaching
and learning. Despite implementing student centered approach in Curriculum 13, a
teacher implemented teacher centered approach in English class of MTs
Mashlahatul Hidayah Sumenep. Therefore, the researcher focus is: firstly, how is
the implementation of Teacher Centered Learning in the 2013 Curriculum at MTs
Mashlahatul Hidayah Sumenep. Secondly, why do teachers implement TeacherCentered Learning based on 2013 Curriculum in Grade Nine MTs Mashlahatul
Hidayah Sumenep. Thirdly, how do students respond to the implementation of
Teacher-Centered Learning in 2013 Curriculum in the ninth grade at MTs
Mashlahatul Hidayah Sumenep
The research method used in this research is research qualitative method
using descriptive qualitative research. The researcher use observation, interview
and documentation to collect the data, and analysis the using data reduction, data
display and conclusion drawing or verification.
Based on the results of the study, the teacher taught the student using
teacher centered approach by employing Lecture Learning Method, Experimental
Learning Method and Problem Solving Method.
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