The Effectiveness of Guess Image to The Students Vocabulary Mastery at The 10th Grade in MA Az-Zubair Sumber Anyar Tlanakan Pamekasan
Keywords : Vocabulary, Guess Image
Vocabulary is a word in the language used by someone to communicate in oral
and written language. It is the main element in the process of learning, mastering and
using language. But, In learning English, students often encounter some problems.
The problem that often found is that their native language makes them difficult to use
a foreign language. The other reason is because of the lack of motivation to learn
English because the method used tend to use methods that are boring or theory only.
In this case the researcher used the guess image method to effectiveness students
English vocabulary.
Based on this, the main problems that become the formulation of the problem in
this study are: The first, Is there any effectiveness of vocabulary mastery after the use
of guess image at the 10th grade in MA Az-Zubair Sumber Anyar Tlanakan
Pamekasan?. The second, how significant is the effectiveness of vocabulary mastery
students after the use of guess image at the 10th grade in MA Az-Zubair Sumber
Anyar Tlanakan Pamekasan?.
The research method that used in this research is quantitative approach and while
research design is pre-experimental design, namely one group pre-test post-test
design. Where the effect of treatment is calculated by comparing the results of the
pre-test with the post-test. The research instrument used id multiple choice questions.
Based on the results of the study showed that there was no difference between
before and after using the image guess. Researchers can see from the t value which is
-5,912 is higher than t-table which is 2,201. On the output result for taking the
hypothesis shows that the result are significance -5,912 (> 2,201), than Ha accepted.
The result of this study concult guess image can effectiveness student english
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