Nabilah, 2021, The Correlation between Students’ Attitudes and English Achievements at Eleventh Grade of SMA 2 Sampang, Skripsi, English Teaching Learning Program, Tarbiyah Department, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura, Advisor: Achmad Baidawi, M.Pd.
Keywords: Students’ Attitudes, English Achievements.
Students’ attitudes in learning English is different, there is positive and negative attitude. Students who have positive attitude show high interest in learning English by listening what the teacher’s explaination, and so on the contrary. The aims of the study is to know the correlation between students’ attitudes and English achievements and to measure how the significant correlation between both of them. There are two variables in this study, they are students’ attitudes as the independent varible and English achievements as the dependent variable.
This study used quantitative research, exactly correlational research. The purposive sampling used in this study to took the sample and was obtained one class, that is XI-IPA-1 which consists of 26 students. To collect the data the researcher used questionnaire and documentation. Questionnaire used to collect the data about students’ attitudes and documentation to collect English Achievemnets. The data collected was analyzed by using Pearson product-moment formula to know whether there is correlation or not between students’ attitudes and English achievements.
Based on the result of analysis by using Pearson product-moment formula showed that the value of coefficient correlation is 0,829 and rtable with df is 24 in significance level 5% is 0,388. Therefore, the value of rxy is higher than the value of rtable (0,829 > 0,388). Because, the value of rxy is higher than rtable, it can be concluded that there is positive correlation between students’ attitudes and English achievements at eleventh grade of SMA 2 Sampang in strong correlation. Where the value of rxy is in interval of 0,70 to 0,90. This showed that there is significant correlation between students’ attitudes in learning English towards their learning achievemnets. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis accepted in this study.
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