Lailatul Maftuhah, 2020, The Implementation of Memorizing Technique on
Vocabulary Mastery At Eight Grade of Junior High School 8 Pamekasan, Thesis,
English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty (TBI), State Islamic
Institute (IAIN) of Madura, Advisor: Drs. H. Mosleh Hbibullah. M.Pd.
Key Word: Memorizing, Vocabulary Mastery
There are four skills in English such as speaking, reading, listening, and
writing that must be mastered. Besides that, there are three aspect that will support
the four basic language skills above, and called by “three elements of language,
grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Vocabulary is very important in every
language. Vocabulary is crucial element in mastering a foreign language. While
vocabulary mastery is an individual’s great skill in using word of the language,
which is acquired based on their own interests’ needs and motivation.
The research focus of this research is How does the teacher implementation
of memorizing technique in students’ vocabulary faced on the student eight grade
of Junior High School 8 Pamekasan? The second research focus is what are the
obstacles faced by the English teacher in the implementation of memorizing
technique in students’ vocabulary on the students eight grade of Junior High School
8 Pamekasan? And the last, how the student’s response on the teacher technique in
student eight grade of Junior High School 8 Pamekasan?
The researcher employs descriptive qualitative research to investigate the
technique and the students' response used by the teacher in teaching learning
process at eight grade of junior high school 8 pamekasan. The data mostly gathered
from the observation, interview and documentation. The number of the students is
twenty seven students. The data analysis that is used by researcher are data
reduction, data display, and verification. To validate the data, the researcher use
triangulation of source and triangulation of technique.
The result from this study shows that the teacher implements
MEMORIZING technique on vocabulary mastery that can help the teacher easy to
explain the material especially in teaching descriptive text and the student can easy
to know the meaning the new vocabulary, help the students to make sentences using
the new vocabulary and make it easier to translate.
The student response when the teacher use memorizing technique on
vocabulary mastery is easy to understand the English subject, more spirit so that by
using this technique the students to be more active when study the English lesson.
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