Ibnul Furqon Fajriansyah, 2020, The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading
Composition (CIRC) Technique on Writing Skill at the eleventh grade of MA AlIslamiyah I Sumber Batu Blumbungan Pamekasan. Thesis, English Teaching
Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of
Madura, Advisor: Abd. Ghofur, M. Pd.
Keyword:Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) Technique,
Writing skill.
Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) technique is
developed by Stevens to accommodated students’ skill level by heterogeneous
grouping or homogeneous grouping. In Cooperative Integrated Reading
Composition (CIRC) technique, the students divided into some small group. At
first, the students listens the teacher’s instruction about reading and writing skills.
And then, they practice it.
There are three research focuses in this research, namely: the first how
does the teacher use Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) on
Writing Skill at the eleventh grade of MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu
Blumbungan Pamekasan. The second what are the advantages of Cooperative
Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) on Writing Skill at the eleventh grade of
MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu Blumbungan Pamekasan. And the last what are
the disadvantages of Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) on
Writing Skill at the eleventh grade of MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu
Blumbungan Pamekasan.
The kind of this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is best
suited to address a research problem in which you do not know the variable and
need to explore. And also the researcher uses the descriptive research. Descriptive
is a research design to obtain information concerning the current status of
phenomenon. It means that, descriptive research used by researcher to get
information based on phenomena that happen in the field such as circumstances,
condition and other things that have been mentioned. To collect the data, thev
researcher using observation checklist. The researcher uses non participant
observation. The researcher only join to the class and observe teaching and
learning process. And also the researcher uses interview guidelines to collect the
data, the researcher uses partially structured interview because the researcher
added new question at the school when interview teacher and students as data
source. The last, the researcher uses documentation. In documentation the
researcher took photos of teacher and students when teaching and learning English
used Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) on Writing Skill at the
eleventh grade of MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu Blumbungan Pamekasan. And
photos when doing interview.
The result from the research, the researcher conclude that the eleventh
grade of MA Al-Islamiyah I Sumber Batu Blumbungan Pamekasan. The teacher
ordered students to followed the teacher’s directions to apply Cooperative
Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) in teaching and learning writing. The
teacher success to made the students enjoyed the material in the classroom. The
teacher feel that (CIRC) is an alternative way to made students more active in
learning English subject. The teacher started the lesson with explained the
material that would be discussed during in English teaching learning process. In
that day material is “Write a conclusion of the letter” with topic “Personal Letter”
then the teacher made a four group and asked students to wrote main idea from the
letter. The advantages of (CIRC) The students were interesting with this
technique, the students easier to comprehend the text. The students more spirit to
join reading and writing subject. The students didn’t feel bored to join the class.
And the students more active in the classroom. And disadvantages of (CIRC) are
Some students feel lazy to read the letter because they didn’t understand the
meaning, the teacher need more time to explain the rules and step. The students
focuss to read a letter and do not get other knowledge. The last the students read a
letter loud and made class was noisy.
Based on the result above in this research give the instruction to the
teacher to be a good teacher in giving the materials and the way to students more
active in following the learning process.
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